Basic packages containing all the Python dependencies for the Coder Dojo Sessions.
You can install the package from PyPI using the following command.
'pip install "coder-dojo-common-python[games,data]"
You can install the package from GitHub using the following command.
pip install 'coder_dojo_common_python[games,data] @'
This will install the games and data packages for the v0.0.1 release.
As packages are updated or new packages added a new version will be published, please check the latest version at
The package includes some useful tools to help you.
You can manage assets from via a CLI
This command will list all the assets on the website.
kenney-assets query
This will install a selected asset into your current project in a folder called assets
kenney-assets install tiny-town
Requires poetry.
poetry install
All packages are added as optional and grouped into extras.
poetry add requests --optional
You will then need to update the extra information to ensure the package is in the correct group.
Either update the appropriate extras section or create a new section under extras in the pyproject.toml file.
requests = { version = "^2.28.2", optional = true } # Package added as optional
#...more stuff...
#...existing extras...
web = ["requesets"] # A new extra 'web'
poetry build