(edit) add showMessage
(config) add localStorage
(config) add analytics
(socket) max reconnection attempts: 1000000 -> Math.pow- (2, 64)
(css) .cmd-button - (601px - 785px): 15% -> 13%
(css) hide f5, f6 on one-panel-view
(update) git pull -> git pull --rebase
(client) add ability to upload files on drag'n'drop
(client) add route
(socket) add reconnection delay, max attempts
(console) rm jquery-migrate
(edit) rm "nothing to save"
(menu, dom) add zipFile
(view) fancyBox v2.1.4 -> v2.1.5
(client) ajaxLoad fs: removeStr -> removeStrOneTime
(cloudcmd) indexProcessing: appcache
(rest) onFS: lName ->, -> lName
(cloudfunc) ";" -> ","
(client) route -> CloudCmd.route
(dom) getCurrentFileContent: add dataType check
(dom) Loader ajax: add dataType
(rest) stream.createPipe -> pipe.create
(socket) Win32 -> WIN32
(socket) crash on win7
(main) add stream
(view) show: add createTextNode
(css) .icon height: 14.95 -> 14.8- (ie)
(css) .icon height: 15 -> 14.95- (ie)
(css) .icon height, width: 15.5 -> 15
(client) unload, beforeunload
(dom) jqueryLoad: pCallBack -> onload: pCallBack
(dom) jqueryLoad: add pCallBack
(dom) retJSLoad: this -> Loader
(test) keyBinding -> key, ie -> polyfill, viewer -> view, editor/_codemirror -> edit, terminal -> console
(edit) change ace to noconflict
(filepicker) add mimetype "", rm default ".txt" ext
(main) sendError
(socket) reconnect
(server) Dir + Name -> path.join- (Dir, Name)
(rest) add lReadStream.on- (error, lError)
(css) .icon: {width, height: 16px -> 15.5px}
(dom) DOMTreeProto: add DOM
(util) add asyncCall
(listeners) appCache: add getConfig
(socket) add transports
(socket) add browser client etag
(socket) lListent: set -> enable
(css) rm .error:hover
(view,edit,console,menu) add Loading check
(index) rm "if lt IE"
(jshint) rm es5: ES5 option is now set per default
(dom) Loader: add xhr.upload progress
(jshint) rm forint - (should be wrapped in an if)
(dom) Images: add return img
(dom) Loader: add responseType
(jshint) add expr: "if ExpressionStatement should be allowed as Programs"
(clieant) multiple files load, readAsText -> readAsArrayBuffer
(util) add isArrayBuffer
(util) exec: any count of args
(shell) add log
(css) .cmd-button: add transition
(css) selection -> user-select
(cloudcmd) rm no-js redirect
(view) add minWidth, minHeight
(dom) {setSelected,unsetSelected}File -> toggleSelectedFile
(client) add panel backlight on drag
(dom) add toggleClass
(dom) add DOM.getCurrentFileByName
(util) add getStrBigFirst
(stream) putFile -> stream.createPipe
(css) .current-file: add transition
(rest) add zip
(cloudfunc) add format
(dom) Loader ajax: add TYPE_JSON
(client) mv Events.add to listeners
(client) google-analytics -> analytics
(stream) stream -> pipe
(css) display, width, height: .icon -> .loading
(css) font-family: .icon -> .error::before
(dom) Images showError: rm textStatus, errorThrown
(dom) Loader: mv percent, count, msg to if
(update) lStdout -> lMsg
(css) mv .panel, #right to max-width:1155px
(dom) ajax, global XMLHTTP -> local xhr
(dom) addClass, removeClass, toggleClass
(dom) removeClass: Events -> DOMTree
(edit) add initAce, worker condition
(dom) Events: process
(client) loadModule: getStrBigFirst
(rest) put: /fs/file?zip -> /zip
(rest) put cp: add putFile
(rest) putFile callback: pError, pMsg -> pError
(rest) main.sendResponse -> sendMsg
(rest) add putFile
(css) rm !important
(css) path-icon: rm font-family, font-size
You can’t perform that action at this time.