(auth) show deprecated when password wrong
(files) if module not received always show error
(config) passwd -> password
(packer) pack: add error handler
(mellow) always add slash to end
(dom) when create archive do not set current on it: .gz -> .zip
(client) ajaxLoad: when refresh callback not called
(dom) renameCurrent: if name ".." show dialog -> alert
(client) ajaxLoad: set same current file after refresh
(client) createFileTable: when name of subdir same as parrentdir it is became current after changing directory
(util) getShortDate: if day <= 9 add 0
(gulp) package add from npm
(menu) v0.7.4
(font) add woff2
(auth) add warning about changing password
(menu) rm json
(config) rm analytics
(util) init Util only if it is not present in global scrope
(auth) password: sha1 -> sha512WithRSAEncryption
(package) nicki v1.2.0
(util) checkArgs -> check
(util) checkArgs speed up: rm while
(pipe) options: notEnd -> end
(util) checkArgs speed up: for -> while
(files) add pipeFiles from pipe
(pipe) add all
(pipe) create: init isFsWrite on start
(rest) zip, unzip -> pack, unpack
(pipe) rm Util.exec
(pipe) pipe.create -> pipe
(fstream) rm
(gulp) changelog: add from npm
(menu) v0.7.3
(util) rm convertName
(gulp) changelog: changelog should be created if absent
(package) console-io v1.9.0
(package) v1.2.0
(cloudfunc) rm: addNewLine, rmNewLine
(util) mv getStrBigFirst to CloudFunc
(util) rm retFalse
(util) rm tryLog, logError
(util) rm logArray
(zip) pako v0.2.5
(util) rm isContainStr
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