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CoderDojo Linz Website


This repository contains the source code for the website of CoderDojo Linz. It is built with Hugo (v0.73.0).

A guide to contribution


  • The source code of the website is in the develop branch.
  • The master branch contains the built static website. This branch is used by GitHub Pages.
  • If you would like to develop new features, create a feature branch from develop and create a pull request when you are done.

Developing with Hugo

Download version v0.73.0 for your device from the Hugo GitHub releases page

After cloning, use npm install to install the dependencies and hugo to build the page to the public/ folder. Use npm run server to start a local dev server at http://localhost:1313/


  • The website is made available by GitHub Pages at This is not our official DNS name. We used it in the past and it exists because of historical reasons.
  • We run an Azure CDN on top of GitHub Pages serving This is our official DNS name.