This statusline is kept minimalistic and easy to understand. Its main feature
is, that it uses Vims highlight groups correctly and displays the status-
and tab-bar after the definitions in the currently selected colorscheme.
That means, that the highlight groups StatusLine
, StatusLineNC
and StatusLineTermNC
are considered. Otherwise the bars
look similar to powerline, but that is no wonder, because the
is the only one, which used to be available in code page 437 and thus broadly
Key features:
- Compatible (at least) with all pre-installed colorschemes
- Pure Vimscript, no overhead (this is critical with statuslines, because textlock is active during stl updates)
- Displays the tab bar in a different color for the
user::highlight Error
- It should be considered to add
to the vimrc - It looks nicer with proper fillchars, e.g.
fillchars+=eob:\ ,vert:\
This should be sufficient:
git clone \
Or as submodule:
git submodule add \
Or download the zip file and extract it under ~/.vim/pack/coderonline/start/
Plug 'coderonline/vim-fancy-line'
call dein#add('coderonline/vim-fancy-line')
- Keep it simple