This is a local OneOps instance using Vagrant without metrics collections. It's a simplified design deployed from bash scripts.
For a full-deployment of OneOps with metrics (back loop) use the core assembly within this vagrant image.
install VirtualBox and Vagrant
(until public) add your public ssh key to your account at
Once you have these installed run:
git clone
cd setup/vagrant
# (until public) copy your ssh key - or use a different key you setup in github
cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa git_ssh/git_rsa
vagrant up
installation takes about 20 min, depending on your internet connection. After it is up hit http://localhost:9090
Setup your organization cloud with private location in OneOps
Add new cloud for your organization (Eg: my-cloud)
Choose the Management location as Custom from drop down list
Provide an authorization key (Eg: mycloudsecret)
Add a new compute service (Eg: openstack-ctf)
Note down the Management location path and authorization key for your cloud
Eg: /platform-dev/_clouds/my-cloud & mycloudsecret
Create local inductor:
cd /opt/oneops ; inductor create ; cd inductor ; inductor add
It will ask a series of questions, below is an example. note: If a different location is used, lookup the auth key in the cloud template - located here
[root@localhost inductor]# inductor add
What message queue host (if empty defaults to localhost)?
Manage dns? (on or off - defaults to off) on
Debug mode? (keeps ssh keys and doesn\'t terminate compute on compute::add failure. on or off - defaults to off) on
Metrics collections? (if empty defaults to false)?
What compute attribute to use for the ip to connect (if empty defaults to private_ip)? public_ip
Queue location? /public/oneops/clouds/aws
URL to the UI? http://localhost:9090
Logstash cert file location ? (If empty defaults to local cloud cert)
Comma seperated list of logstash host:port ? (if empty defaults to localhost:5000)
Max Consumers? 10
Max Local Consumers (ones for iaas)? 10
What is the authorization key? awssecretkey
Any additional java args to default (If empty uses deault.)?
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
create clouds-available/
enable clouds-enabled/
success Next Step: inductor start ; inductor tail
[root@localhost inductor]# inductor start ; inductor tail
you should see a line like:
2016-01-22 18:38:25,462 INFO FailoverTransport:1065 Successfully connected to ssl://localhost:61617?keepAlive=true
Now you can use the cloud in an Environment.