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codes loggp

Misbah Mubarak edited this page Dec 12, 2016 · 1 revision

CODES Loggp model

Model overview

The loggp.c file implements a model-net method that models network cost based on the loggp analytical model presented in this paper:

Albert Alexandrov, Mihai F. Ionescu, Klaus E. Schauser, and
Chris Scheiman.  LogGP: incorporating long messages into the LogP
model—one step closer towards a realistic model for parallel
computation. In Proceedings of the seventh annual ACM symposium on
Parallel algorithms and architectures (SPAA '95). ACM, New York,
NY, USA, 95-105.

It uses model parameters obtained with the netgauge tool described in this paper:

Torsten Hoefler, Torsten Mehlan, Andrew Lumsdaine, and Wolfgang Rehm.
Netgauge: a network performance measurement framework. In Proceedings
of the Third international conference on High Performance Computing
and Communications (HPCC'07).

Validation and protocol details

The model can be validated using the model found in tests/modelnet-p2p-bw.c. It implements a synchronous point to point ping-pong benchmark in a manner similar to the mpptest tool. modelnet-p2p-bw sweeps over a range of message sizes, with 1000 iterations at each message size. It should work fine in optimistic mode, though there isn't much reason to run it in parallel because it generally only uses 4 ROSS LPs. It prints final results to stdout in the exact same data format as mpptest.

The loggp modelnet method reads in output produced by Torsten's netgauge tool and uses it as a lookup table to calculate delays for network messages. You can find an example of netgauge output from the Tukey system at ANL (using MVAPICH over InfiniBand) in tests/ng-mpi-tukey.dat.

Implementation notes

A few notes on the implementation:

  • The logp family of analytical models generally assume a set of fixed parameters will be used as input, but netgauge actually calculates them independently over a range of message sizes. For better model agreement we are using the range of values produced by netgauge as a lookup table for model parameters at different sizes rather than trying using single fixed values.

  • netgauge also produces "overhead" values (o_r and o_s for receiver and sender, referred to simply as o in the literature). These represent the amount of CPU time used by the receiver and sender to process messages, and in the loggp paper it is used directly in calculating communication time. If you read the netgauge paper, though, they are assuming that these values overlap with the fabric latency and bandwidth costs on modern networks, and as a result if you are using netgauge parameters you should omit the o_r and o_s values when calculating network time or your numbers will be way off. They would be useful if you were tracking the amount of time that a processor core has available for computation, which we are not doing yet. Another side note is that these overhead values are quite high for large messages on Argonne's Tukey system, presumably because the MPI implementation is polling during transmission.

  • The loggp model-net method does not introduce any random noise in the communication cost; it uses fixed parameters for each message size. It does use a random number generator to introduce minor variations in transfer time between hosts and network cards as part of the model-net framework, but this variance is not significant.

  • The loggp model-net method uses the same technique as simplenet for handling network card contention. It tracks the state of input and output queues in terms of when they will next be available for communication and adjusts those times as new messages are scheduled for communication. The model assumes infinite buffering in the network switch fabric.

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