- Launch a new PowerShell terminal.
- Start SQL Server docker containers.
- CD to docker folder.
- Create a new file 'sa_password.secret' and put a strong sa's password to this file. Please make sure that you use LF line feed.
$path = ".\sa_password.secret"; (Get-Content $path -Raw).Replace("rn", "`n") | Set-Content $Path -NoNewline -Force
$path = ".\entrypoint.sh"; (Get-Content $path -Raw).Replace("rn", "`n") | Set-Content $Path -NoNewline -Force
- Run a docker-compose command with a following command.
docker-compose up
Alternatively, if you want to force build an image, use
docker-compose up --build
- Wait for a while and you will have publisher, distributor and subscriber instances.
- You can connect to each SQL Server instance with this information .
- publisher: localhost, 2000
- distributor: localhost, 2001
- subscriber: localhost, 2002
- Launch a new PowerShell terminal.
- CD to the root of the project.
- Execute the following commmand to setup replication.
- After setup successfully, you will have a new database with replication.
- Run New-DatabaseRecord.ps1. It will excute stored proc to insert a new record to publisher and then select records from subscription database.
- For multiple containers, you may need to add ram to 6 GB because each SQL Server instance can consume up to 2 GB.