A Melon Web Source for Mp3tag.
Parses album information from Melon using the Web Source Framework provided by Mp3tag.
Ensure that Mp3tag is installed.
Copy the .src files into the sources folder located in:
Navigate to Tag Sources > Melon.
For Melon Lyrics, it's recommended to parse with Melon.src first to obtain the song ID for an easier lookup.
The following tags are retrieved from the source:
Name | Tag | Notes |
Album Artist | %ALBUMARTIST% | |
Artist | %ARTIST% | |
Copyright | %COPYRIGHT% | |
Cover | The album artwork. | |
Genre | %GENRE% | |
Melon Artist ID | %MELONARTISTID% | The unique artist identifier for each track. |
Melon Song ID | %MELONSONGID% | The unique song identifier for each track. Can be used with Melon Lyrics. |
Publisher | %PUBLISHER% | |
Track # | %TRACK% | |
Year | %YEAR% | Parsed in the format YYYY.MM.DD |
Multiple tag values are delimited by a comma.