#Assumptions# That NodeJS (version 6 or better) in installed, If not then it can be this can be downloaded and installed from https://nodejs.org/en/ NPM (version 3 or better) is Installed (comes with installation of node above)
The project include a built in web server (used for development and 'live' reloading - enabling a more fluid / agile development) You also have no need to deploy the project to an internet ased web servwr as Web Pack Dev Server is a full 'Express' web server.
Installing and running the project is dependnt on NodeJS and NPM
To find out what version of NPM you have running type:
node -v
To find out what version of NPM you have running type:
npm -v
npm install
###To run the application a npm local server### npm start
###Connect to Included Webpack Dev Server (app)###
Open a browser and in the address bar type the following to connect the web server. http://localhost:3000