This action finds a pull request and merges it (or its head ref to a target branch).
Required Github token.
Required The search string used for the pull request query.
Wether or not merging, closing PR and deleting PR headRef.
The target branch.
uses: codeur/find-and-merge-pr-to@v1
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
searchString: my awesome pullrequest
mergeIn: staging
Refer to Commit, tag, and push your action to GitHub section using @vercel/ncc
to push changes to the action or use :
yarn install
ncc build index.js --license licenses.txt
git add .
git commit -m "My super commit"
git tag -a -m "My super release" vX.X.X
git push --follow-tags
This Github Action is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License. Copyright 2021 Codeur SARL.