Dot files for ~
- Editor: Neovim
- Terminals: Kitty, WezTerm
- Window manager: i3wm, polybar, rofi
# Copy private ssh keys and start ssh agent
# Host machine
> scp -i ~/.ssh/my_remote ~/.ssh/xyz_rsa me@
# Remote machine
> eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
> ssh-add ~/.ssh/xyz_rsa
# Update shell to zsh
> sudo usermod -s /usr/bin/zsh myusername
Run the following on a new machine.
> cd
> git init
> git remote add origin
> git pull origin master
> git submodule update --init
Install starship
and autojump-rs
for the system.
Setup tmux plugins.
> git clone ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
> tmux source ~/.tmux.conf
# Press Prefix+I to install all plugins.