This is a full stack implementation of the TodoMVC application in Fulcro 3. It uses Hasura and Pathom to power the backend portion of the app.
This has been modified from the original Fulcro 3 TodoMVC to use a Hasura GraphQL server as the backend instead of a Fulcro server.
This application consists of three docker containers:
- nginx to serve static assets and act as a reverse proxy
- hasura, our GraphQL API server
- postgres, our database
In order to run the application, you need to install:
Once you have these installed, run
npm install
to install javascript dependencies.
We also need to migrate our database and configure hasura. We'll need hasura running to do that, and hasura is set up to automatically migrate the database when it starts. To start hasura, run
docker-compose up -d
To apply the correct hasura configuration, run
hasura metadata apply --project hasura
At this point, setup is complete. To shut down hasura, run
docker-compose down
To compile the clojurescript, you can run either
npx shadow-cljs watch :main
to watch and recompile or
npx shadow-cljs compile :main
to compile once and exit.
Once your clojurescript has been compiled, you should make sure your docker containers are running with
docker-compose up -d
Then you should be able to access the todo app at http://localhost:3001.
To tweak Hasura configuration and access GraphiQL, you'll need to start the hasura console. You can do this by running
hasura console --project hasura
(or just hasura console
if you're in the hasura
The console will then be available at http://localhost:9695. Any changes to the database will be recorded as migrations stored in the hasura/migrations
directory. Changes you make to the Hasura configuration will be saved locally, but to check them in to source control you can run
hasura metadata export --project hasura
and observe the newly generated hasura/migrations/metadata.yml
Any changes to the Hasura schema will automatically become available as queries after a page refresh.
To understand the details of how this is put together, there is excellent documentation available for (among others):