Remove unused CSS from email templates
This package is pure ESM. If you're not ready yet, install an older version of this program, 5.3.0 (npm i email-comb@5.3.0
npm i email-comb
import { strict as assert } from "assert";
import { comb, defaults, version } from "email-comb";
const source = `<head>
<style type="text/css">
.unused1[z] {a:1;}
.used[z] {a:2;}
<body class=" used "><a class="used unused3">z</a>
const intended = `<head>
<style type="text/css">
.used[z] {a:2;}
<body class="used"><a class="used">z</a>
assert.equal(comb(source).result, intended);
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MIT License.
Copyright © 2010-2023 Roy Revelt and other contributors.