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Generate BloodHound compatible JSON from logs written by ldapsearch BOF, pyldapsearch and Brute Ratel's LDAP Sentinel


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                                         << @coffeegist | @Tw1sm >>

Python PyPi

BOFHound is an offline BloodHound ingestor and LDAP result parser compatible with TrustedSec's ldapsearch BOF, the Python adaptation, pyldapsearch and Brute Ratel's LDAP Sentinel. ldapsearch BOF logs can also be parsed from Havoc or OutflankC2 logs.

By parsing log files generated by the aforementioned tools, BOFHound allows operators to utilize BloodHound's beloved interface while maintaining full control over the LDAP queries being run and the spped at which they are executed. This leaves room for operator discretion to account for potential honeypot accounts, expensive LDAP query thresholds and other detection mechanisms designed with the traditional, automated BloodHound collectors in mind.

Check this PR to the SA BOF repo for BOFs that collect session and local group membership data and can be parsed by BOFHound.


Blog Posts:

Title Date
BOFHound: AD CS Integration Oct 30, 2024
BOFHound: Session Integration Jan 30, 2024
Granularize Your AD Recon Game Part 2 Jun 15, 2022
Granularize Your AD Recon Game May 10, 2022


Conference Materials Date
SO-CON 2024 Slides & Recording Mar 11, 2024


BOFHound can be installed with pip3 install bofhound or by cloning this repository and running pip3 install .


 Usage: bofhound [OPTIONS]                                                                                  
 Generate BloodHound compatible JSON from logs written by ldapsearch BOF, pyldapsearch and Brute Ratel's    
 LDAP Sentinel                                                                                              
 Generate BloodHound compatible JSON from logs written by ldapsearch BOF, pyldapsearch and Brute  
 Ratel's LDAP Sentinel                                                                            
╭─ Options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --input             -i      TEXT                              Directory or file containing     │
│                                                               logs of ldapsearch results       │
│                                                               [default:                        │
│                                                               /opt/cobaltstrike/logs]          │
│ --output            -o      TEXT                              Location to export bloodhound    │
│                                                               files                            │
│                                                               [default: .]                     │
│ --properties-level  -p      [Standard|Member|All]             Change the verbosity of          │
│                                                               properties exported to JSON:     │
│                                                               Standard - Common BH properties  │
│                                                               | Member - Includes MemberOf and │
│                                                               Member | All - Includes all      │
│                                                               properties                       │
│                                                               [default: Member]                │
│ --parser                    [ldapsearch|BRC4|Havoc|           Parser to use for log files.     │
│                             OutflankC2]                       ldapsearch parser (default)      │
│                                                               supports ldapsearch BOF logs     │
│                                                               from Cobalt Strike and           │
│                                                               pyldapsearch logs                │
│                                                               [default: ldapsearch]            │
│ --debug                                                       Enable debug output              │
│ --zip               -z                                        Compress the JSON output files   │
│                                                               into a zip archive               │
│ --help              -h                                        Show this message and exit.      │

Example Usage

Parse ldapseach BOF results from Cobalt Strike logs (/opt/cobaltstrike/logs by default) to /data/

bofhound -o /data/

Parse pyldapsearch logs and only include all properties (vs other property levels)

bofhound -i ~/.pyldapsearch/logs/ --properties-level all

Parse LDAP Sentinel data from BRc4 logs (will change default input path to /opt/bruteratel/logs)

bofhound --parser brc4

Parse Havoc loot logs (will change default input path to /opt/havoc/data/loot) and zip the resulting JSON files

bofhound --parser havoc --zip


Specify *,ntsecuritydescriptor as the attributes to return to be able to parse ACL edges. You are missing a ton of data if you don't include this in your ldapsearch queries!

Required Data

The following attributes are required for proper functionality:


Some object classes rely on domain objects being populated within BOFHound. Domains can be queried with either of the following commands

ldapsearch (objectclass=domain) *,ntsecuritydescriptor
ldapsearch (distinguishedname=DC=windomain,DC=local) *,ntsecuritydescriptor

Example ldapsearch Queries

# Get All the Data (Maybe Run BloodHound Instead?)
ldapsearch (objectclass=*) *,ntsecuritydescriptor

# Retrieve All Schema Info
ldapsearch (schemaIDGUID=*) name,schemaidguid 0 3 "" CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=windomain,DC=local

# Retrieve Only the ms-Mcs-AdmPwd schemaIDGUID
ldapsearch (name=ms-mcs-admpwd) name,schemaidguid 1 3 "" CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=windomain,DC=local

# Retrieve Domain NetBIOS Names (useful if collecting data via `netsession2/netloggedon2` BOFs)
ldapsearch (netbiosname=*) * 0 3 "" "CN=Partitions,CN=Configuration,DC=windomain,DC=local"

# Unroll a group's nested members
ldapsearch (memberOf:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=TargetGroup,CN=Users,DC=windomain,DC=local) *,ntsecuritydescriptor

# Query domain trusts
ldapsearch (objectclass=trusteddomain) *,ntsecuritydescriptor

# Query across a trust
ldapsearch (objectclass=domain) *,ntsecuritydescriptor 0 3 dc1.trusted.windomain.local "DC=TRUSTED,DC=WINDOMAIN,DC=LOCAL"

# Queries below populate objects for AD CS parsing

# Query the domain object
ldapsearch (objectclass=domain) *,ntsecuritydescriptor

# Query Enterprise CAs
ldapsearch (objectclass=pKIEnrollmentService) *,ntsecuritydescriptor 0 3 “” “CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local”

# Query AIACAs, Root CAs and NTAuth Stores
ldapsearch (objectclass=certificationAuthority) *,ntsecuritydescriptor 0 3 “” “CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local”

# Query Certificate Templates
ldapsearch (objectclass=pKICertificateTemplate) *,ntsecuritydescriptor 0 3 “” “CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local”

# Query Issuance Policies
ldapsearch (objectclass=msPKI-Enterprise-Oid) *,ntsecuritydescriptor 0 3 “” “CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local”


Check the tagged releases to download a specific version

  • v0.4.0 and onward support parsing AD CS objects and edges
  • v0.3.0 and onward support session/local group data
  • v0.2.1 and onward are compatible with BloodHound CE
  • v0.2.0 is the last release supporting BloodHound Legacy


bofhound uses Poetry to manage dependencies. Install from source and setup for development with:

git clone
cd bofhound
poetry install
poetry run bofhound --help

References and Credits


Generate BloodHound compatible JSON from logs written by ldapsearch BOF, pyldapsearch and Brute Ratel's LDAP Sentinel







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