GitHub Actions / Test Results 1.14.5 24.3
Jul 22, 2024 in 0s
All 24 tests pass, 1 skipped in 0s
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github-actions / Test Results 1.14.5 24.3
1 skipped test found
There is 1 skipped test, see "Raw output" for the name of the skipped test.
Raw output
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test really interact with schema registry
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github-actions / Test Results 1.14.5 24.3
25 tests found
There are 25 tests, see "Raw output" for the full list of tests.
Raw output
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test atom values are encoded as strings for string types
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test canonicalize_schema
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode!/2 raises for unsuccessful decodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode!/2 returns data for successful decodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode/2 it can decode map values as maps by default
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode/2 it can decode nested null values to nil
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode/2 it can decode null values to nil
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode/2 returns {:error, error} for unsuccessful decodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test decode/2 returns {:ok, data} for successful decodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test encode!/2 binary() for successful encodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test encode!/2 raises for unsuccessful encodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test encode/2 {:error, String.t()} for unsuccessful encodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test encode/2 {:ok, binary()} for successful encodings
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test encode/decode
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test fingerprint_schema
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test get_schema cached
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test get_schema_files
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test nil values are encoded for null schema values
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test parse_schema
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test really interact with schema registry
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test register_schema
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test subject
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test tag
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test timestamps
Elixir.AvroSchemaTest ‑ test untag