Calibrate any sensor network which provides ododometry messages of common hypothesis (trackings).
Performs a calibration of given sensors by graph optimization provided from g2o.
Testet with ROS kinetik and Ubuntu 16.04
- Build and install g2o:
- Build and install g2opy:
- Substitute
cmake ..
withcmake -DPYBIND11_PYTHON_VERSION=2.7 ..
- Substitute
python install
withsudo cp lib/ /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/
- Start playing the bags and visualization:
roslaunch calibration calibration_demo.launch
- Run calibration:
rosrun calibration
- Store the calibrated data
roslaunch calibration calibration_dump.launch
- Optional: Load the calibrated data
roslaunch calibration calibration_load.launch
- Start cameras:
roslaunch demo start_cameras.launch
- Start tracking wrt. marker setup:
roslaunch demo start_aruco3_calibration.launch
- Record tracks in bags (stores bags to
):roslaunch demo calibration_record.launch
- Stop tracking
- Start playing the bags and visualization:
roslaunch calibration calibration_citrack.launch
- Run calibration:
rosrun calibration
- Store the calibrated data
roslaunch calibration calibration_dump.launch
- Optional: Load the calibrated data
roslaunch calibration calibration_load.launch
$ ./ -x 100. -y 2 -z 0 -R 0 -P 0 -Y 0
-100.0000 -2.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000
does the following in a generic way:
$ rosrun tf static_transform_publisher $(./ -x 100. -y 2 -z 0 -R 0 -P 0 -Y 0) source_frame target_frame 100
Records a single hypothesis multiple times and performs Slerp on angles and arithmetic mean on translations. The result is printed out as transformation from the parent to the child frame of the odometry message.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
topic | string | /odom | Topic to record the hypothesis |
percepts | int | 1 | Number of records to make from the hypothesis |
Like a common transform_publisher, but with dynamic reconfiguration of the transformation parameters.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
tf | string | Transformation from parent to child frame. Can be "x y z R P Y" or "x y z qx qy qz qw" | |
parent_frame | string | Parent frame id | |
child_frame | string | Child frame id | |
rate | double | 1 | Publish rate in Hz |
Performs a calibration of given sensors by graph optimization provided from g2o.
- Load
(initial sensor pose and path to rosbag tracking data) via rosparam.
calibrates the sensors via dynamic reconfiguration. Therefore, all sensor tf's need to be set up bydynamic_transform_publisher
Calculates the inverse transformation and prints it to std::out so that it can be used by tf static_transform_publisher
This node updates a transformation between two coordinate frames with a given ros::nav_msgs::Odometry.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ros_listener_odom_topic | string | /topic | Listenertopic for the ros::nav_msgs::Odometry to update the tf. |
parent_frame | string | /parent | Parent frame id |
child_frame | string | /child | Child frame id |
rostimenow | bool | false | If this is set to true, ros::now as headertimestamp will be used otherwhise the timestamp from the input ros::nav_msgs::Odometry. |