The goal of this project is to add things to your program naval battle!
to make it more complex and fun to play.
We present you need to perform:
You'll have to be careful because you must make sure not put a ship on
another ship on the game board. We also want to make sure you balance
the board size to the number of ships so that the game is still
challenging and fun to play.
It's more complicated than it looks. All parts of the ship must be
placed vertically or horizontally and you have to make sure you do not
accidentally put a ship off the board, and also where you placed one can
do not put another
Remember that the player can choose to play alone or with a partner
must create an attractive menu and find ways for players wanting to
play more and more!
• You must use classes for creating the game.
• Create a menu where you use dictionaries where you show the game instructions and
options the user can choose.
• You must clean the screen each time the player begins his turn and
show only active player board. So you can see:
○ Your board with the positions of their ships and shots have been made.
○ The board enemy ships sunk or errors made shots.
○ The status of events that made the user:
◘ Show username.
◘ Number of Turns.
◘ How many ships sunk and few left to sink.
1. Operators.
2. I/O.
3. Print.
4. Integer Variables.
5. Boolean Variables.
6. String Variables.
7. Class and Object.
8. If Sentences.
9. Recursivity.
10. While and For Loops.
11. Functions.
12. Procedures.
13. Dictionary
14. List.
15. Try-cach.
16. Random Function.
17. Indentation.
18. Documentation
####Input Values 1. Takes note validating data entered by the user, be careful because a user can get to make many mistakes. 2. You can use words or numbers for the user to choose their options.
####Output messages 1. Remember to show support you when I performed an action wrong in your application.
When inside the project directory, run nosetests
in the terminal. Your code should work perfectly.