This library provides convenient way to use API in Swift.
Coinpaprika delivers full market data to the world of crypto: coin prices, volumes, market caps, ATHs, return rates and more.
import Coinpaprika { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let stats):
// Successfully downloaded GlobalStats
// stats.marketCapUsd - Market capitalization in USD
// stats.volume24hUsd - Volume from last 24h in USD
// stats.bitcoinDominancePercentage - Percentage share of Bitcoin MarketCap in Total MarketCap
// stats.cryptocurrenciesNumber - Number of cryptocurrencies available on Coinpaprika
case .failure(let error):
// Failure reason as error
import Coinpaprika
Coinpaprika.API.coins().perform { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let coins):
// Successfully downloaded [Coin]
// coins[0].id - Coin identifier, to use in ticker(id:) method
// coins[0].name - Coin name, for example Bitcoin
// coins[0].symbol - Coin symbol, for example BTC
case .failure(let error):
// Failure reason as error
import Coinpaprika
Coinpaprika.API.tickers(quotes: [.usd, .btc]).perform { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let tickers):
// Successfully downloaded [Ticker]
// tickers[0] - see the next method for Ticker properties
case .failure(let error):
// Failure reason as error
import Coinpaprika
Coinpaprika.API.ticker(id: "bitcoin-btc", quotes: [.usd, .btc]).perform { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let ticker):
// Successfully downloaded Ticker
// - Coin identifier, to use in ticker(id:) method
// - Coin name, for example Bitcoin
// ticker.symbol - Coin symbol, for example BTC
// ticker.rank - Position in Coinpaprika ranking (by MarketCap)
// ticker.circulatingSupply - Circulating Supply
// ticker.totalSupply - Total Supply
// ticker.maxSupply - Maximum Supply
// ticker.betaValue - Beta
// ticker.lastUpdated - Last updated date
// Each Ticker could contain several Ticker.Quote (according to provided quotes parameter). To access to quote for given currency, use subscripting like:
// - ticker[.usd] - Ticker.Quote in USD
// - ticker[.btc] - Ticker.Quote in BTC
// etc...
// So how to get this cryptocurrency price in USD and BTC?
// - ticker[.usd].price - Coin price in USD
// - ticker[.btc].price - Coin price in BTC
// Ticker.Quote contains following properties:
// let currency: QuoteCurrency = .usd
// - ticker[currency].price - Price
// - ticker[currency].volume24h - Volume from last 24h
// - ticker[currency].volume24hChange24h - Volume change in last 24h
// - ticker[currency].marketCap - Market capitalization
// - ticker[currency].marketCapChange24h - Market capitalization in last 24h
// - ticker[currency].percentChange1h - Percentage price change in last 1 hour
// - ticker[currency].percentChange12h - Percentage price change in last 12 hour
// - ticker[currency].percentChange24h - Percentage price change in last 24 hour
// - ticker[currency].percentChange7d - Percentage price change in last 7 days
// - ticker[currency].percentChange30d - Percentage price change in last 30 days
// - ticker[currency].percentChange1y - Percentage price change in last 1 year
// - ticker[currency].athPrice - ATH price
// - ticker[currency].athDate - ATH date
// - ticker[currency].percentFromPriceAth - Percentage price change from ATH
// - ticker[currency].volumeMarketCapRate - Volume/MarketCap rate
case .failure(let error):
// Failure reason as error
import Coinpaprika "bitcoin", categories: [.coins, .exchanges, .icos, .people, .tags], limit: 20).perform { (response) in
switch response {
case .success(let searchResults):
// Successfully downloaded SearchResults
// searchResults.currencies - list of matching coins as [Search.Coin]
// searchResults.icos - list of matching ICOs as [Search.Ico]
// searchResults.exchanges - list of matching exchanges as [Search.Exchange]
// searchResults.people - list of matching people as [Search.Person]
// searchResults.tags - list of matching tags as [Search.Tag]
case .failure(let error):
// Failure reason as error
Other endpoints could be found in CoinpaprikaAPI reference.
CoinpaprikaAPI is available through SPM. To install it, simply add the following dependency (for example in Xcode 11 built-in manager):
CoinpaprikaAPI is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'CoinpaprikaAPI'
Run pod install
to integrate CoinpaprikaAPI
with your workspace.
CoinpaprikaAPI is available through Carthage. To install it, simply add the following line to your Carthage file:
github "coinpaprika/coinpaprika-api-swift-client"
Run carthage update
to build the framework and drag the built CoinpaprikaAPI.framework
into your Xcode project.
CoinpaprikaAPI is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.