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Rubicon Bid Adapter FPD Update (prebid#6122)
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* Update to consolidate applying FPD to both banner and video requests. FPD will be merged using global defined FPD, ad unit FPD, and rubicon bidder param FPD. Validation logic with warning logs added

* Refectored last push to:
1) Correct keywords bug
2) Revise error which looked for FPD in (user/context) as opposed to (user/context).data
3) General code cleanup

* Consolidated other FPD data logic into new function

* 1. Update to move pbadslot and adserver data into imp[] as opposed to parent.
2. Update to convert keywords passed through RP params to string if array found

* Removed unnecessary conditional

* Changed conditional to check for undefined type

* Update to consolidate several lines of duplicate code into one location
  • Loading branch information
mmoschovas authored and stsepelin committed May 28, 2021
1 parent a6dac84 commit 3490c65
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Showing 2 changed files with 117 additions and 106 deletions.
160 changes: 77 additions & 83 deletions modules/rubiconBidAdapter.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -254,46 +254,7 @@ export const spec = {
utils.deepSetValue(data, 'source.ext.schain', bidRequest.schain);

const siteData = Object.assign({}, bidRequest.params.inventory, config.getConfig('fpd.context'));
const userData = Object.assign({}, bidRequest.params.visitor, config.getConfig('fpd.user'));
if (!utils.isEmpty(siteData) || !utils.isEmpty(userData)) {
const bidderData = {
bidders: [ bidderRequest.bidderCode ],
config: {
fpd: {}

if (!utils.isEmpty(siteData)) { = siteData;

if (!utils.isEmpty(userData)) {
bidderData.config.fpd.user = userData;

utils.deepSetValue(data, 'ext.prebid.bidderconfig.0', bidderData);

* Prebid AdSlot
* @type {(string|undefined)}
const pbAdSlot = utils.deepAccess(bidRequest, 'fpd.context.pbAdSlot');
if (typeof pbAdSlot === 'string' && pbAdSlot) {
utils.deepSetValue(data.imp[0].ext, '', pbAdSlot);

* Copy GAM AdUnit and Name to imp
['name', 'adSlot'].forEach(name => {
/** @type {(string|undefined)} */
const value = utils.deepAccess(bidRequest, `fpd.context.adserver.${name}`);
if (typeof value === 'string' && value) {
utils.deepSetValue(data.imp[0].ext, `${name.toLowerCase()}`, value);
applyFPD(bidRequest, VIDEO, data);

// if storedAuctionResponse has been set, pass SRID
if (bidRequest.storedAuctionResponse) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -547,49 +508,7 @@ export const spec = {
data['us_privacy'] = encodeURIComponent(bidderRequest.uspConsent);

// visitor properties
const visitorData = Object.assign({}, params.visitor, config.getConfig('fpd.user'));
Object.keys(visitorData).forEach((key) => {
if (visitorData[key] != null && key !== 'keywords') {
data[`tg_v.${key}`] = typeof visitorData[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(visitorData[key])
? JSON.stringify(visitorData[key])
: visitorData[key].toString(); // initialize array;

// inventory properties
const inventoryData = Object.assign({}, params.inventory, config.getConfig('fpd.context'));
Object.keys(inventoryData).forEach((key) => {
if (inventoryData[key] != null && key !== 'keywords') {
data[`tg_i.${key}`] = typeof inventoryData[key] === 'object' && !Array.isArray(inventoryData[key])
? JSON.stringify(inventoryData[key])
: inventoryData[key].toString();

// keywords
const keywords = (params.keywords || []).concat(
utils.deepAccess(config.getConfig('fpd.user'), 'keywords') || [],
utils.deepAccess(config.getConfig('fpd.context'), 'keywords') || []); = Array.isArray(keywords) && keywords.length ? keywords.join(',') : '';

* Prebid AdSlot
* @type {(string|undefined)}
const pbAdSlot = utils.deepAccess(bidRequest, 'fpd.context.pbAdSlot');
if (typeof pbAdSlot === 'string' && pbAdSlot) {
data['tg_i.pbadslot'] = pbAdSlot.replace(/^\/+/, '');

* GAM Ad Unit
* @type {(string|undefined)}
const gamAdUnit = utils.deepAccess(bidRequest, 'fpd.context.adServer.adSlot');
if (typeof gamAdUnit === 'string' && gamAdUnit) {
data['tg_i.dfp_ad_unit_code'] = gamAdUnit.replace(/^\/+/, '');
applyFPD(bidRequest, BANNER, data);

if (config.getConfig('coppa') === true) {
data['coppa'] = 1;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -949,6 +868,81 @@ function addVideoParameters(data, bidRequest) {
data.imp[0].video.h = size[1]

function applyFPD(bidRequest, mediaType, data) {
const bidFpd = {
user: {...bidRequest.params.visitor},
context: {...bidRequest.params.inventory}

if (bidRequest.params.keywords) bidFpd.context.keywords = (utils.isArray(bidRequest.params.keywords)) ? bidRequest.params.keywords.join(',') : bidRequest.params.keywords;

let fpd = utils.mergeDeep({}, config.getConfig('fpd') || {}, bidRequest.fpd || {}, bidFpd);

const map = {user: {banner: 'tg_v.', code: 'user'}, context: {banner: 'tg_i.', code: 'site'}, adserver: 'dfp_ad_unit_code'};
let obj = {};
let impData = {};
let keywords = [];
const validate = function(prop, key) {
if (typeof prop === 'object' && !Array.isArray(prop)) {
utils.logWarn('Rubicon: Filtered FPD key: ', key, ': Expected value to be string, integer, or an array of strings/ints');
} else if (typeof prop !== 'undefined') {
return (Array.isArray(prop)) ? prop.filter(value => {
if (typeof value !== 'object' && typeof value !== 'undefined') return value.toString();

utils.logWarn('Rubicon: Filtered value: ', value, 'for key', key, ': Expected value to be string, integer, or an array of strings/ints');
}).toString() : prop.toString();

Object.keys(fpd).filter(value => fpd[value] && map[value] && typeof fpd[value] === 'object').forEach((type) => {
obj[map[type].code] = Object.keys(fpd[type]).filter(value => typeof fpd[type][value] !== 'undefined').reduce((result, key) => {
if (key === 'keywords') {
if (!Array.isArray(fpd[type][key]) && mediaType === BANNER) fpd[type][key] = [fpd[type][key]]

result[key] = fpd[type][key];

if (mediaType === BANNER) keywords = keywords.concat(fpd[type][key]);
} else if (key === 'data') {
utils.mergeDeep(result, {ext: {data: fpd[type][key]}});
} else if (key === 'adServer' || key === 'pbAdSlot') {
(key === 'adServer') ? ['name', 'adSlot'].forEach(name => {
const value = validate(fpd[type][key][name]);
if (value) utils.deepSetValue(impData, `adserver.${name.toLowerCase()}`, value.replace(/^\/+/, ''))
}) : impData[key.toLowerCase()] = fpd[type][key].replace(/^\/+/, '')
} else {
utils.mergeDeep(result, {ext: {data: {[key]: fpd[type][key]}}});

return result;
}, {});

if (mediaType === BANNER) {
let duplicate = (typeof obj[map[type].code].ext === 'object' && obj[map[type].code] || {};

Object.keys(duplicate).forEach((key) => {
const val = (key === 'adserver') ? duplicate.adserver.adslot : validate(duplicate[key], key);

if (val) data[(map[key]) ? `${map[type][BANNER]}${map[key]}` : `${map[type][BANNER]}${key}`] = val;

Object.keys(impData).forEach((key) => {
if (mediaType === BANNER) {
(map[key]) ? data[`tg_i.${map[key]}`] = impData[key].adslot : data[`tg_i.${key.toLowerCase()}`] = impData[key];
} else {
utils.mergeDeep(data.imp[0], {ext: {context: {data: {[key]: impData[key]}}}});

if (mediaType === BANNER) {
let kw = validate(keywords, 'keywords');
if (kw) = kw;
} else {
utils.mergeDeep(data, obj);

* @param sizes
* @returns {*}
Expand Down
63 changes: 40 additions & 23 deletions test/spec/modules/rubiconBidAdapter_spec.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -826,16 +826,22 @@ describe('the rubicon adapter', function () {

it('should use first party data from getConfig over the bid params, if present', () => {
it('should merge first party data from getConfig with the bid params, if present', () => {
const context = {
keywords: ['e', 'f'],
rating: '4-star'
keywords: 'e,f',
rating: '4-star',
data: {
page: 'home'
const user = {
keywords: ['d'],
gender: 'M',
yob: '1984',
geo: {country: 'ca'}
geo: {country: 'ca'},
keywords: 'd',
data: {
age: 40

sandbox.stub(config, 'getConfig').callsFake(key => {
Expand All @@ -849,14 +855,15 @@ describe('the rubicon adapter', function () {

const expectedQuery = {
'kw': 'a,b,c,d,e,f',
'kw': 'a,b,c,d',
'tg_v.ucat': 'new',
'tg_v.lastsearch': 'iphone',
'tg_v.likes': 'sports,video games',
'tg_v.gender': 'M',
'tg_v.age': '40',
'tg_v.yob': '1984',
'tg_v.geo': '{"country":"ca"}',
'tg_i.rating': '4-star',
'tg_i.rating': '5-star',
'': 'home',
'tg_i.prodtype': 'tech,mobile',

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1865,11 +1872,17 @@ describe('the rubicon adapter', function () {

const context = {
keywords: ['e', 'f'],
data: {
page: 'home'
keywords: 'e,f',
rating: '4-star'
const user = {
keywords: ['d'],
data: {
age: 31
keywords: 'd',
gender: 'M',
yob: '1984',
geo: {country: 'ca'}
Expand All @@ -1885,18 +1898,22 @@ describe('the rubicon adapter', function () {
return utils.deepAccess(config, key);

const expected = [{
bidders: ['rubicon'],
config: {
fpd: {
site: Object.assign({}, bidderRequest.bids[0].params.inventory, context),
user: Object.assign({}, bidderRequest.bids[0].params.visitor, user)

const [request] = spec.buildRequests(bidderRequest.bids, bidderRequest);

const expected = {
site: Object.assign({}, context,, bidderRequest.bids[0].params.inventory),
user: Object.assign({}, user,, bidderRequest.bids[0].params.visitor)

delete expected.user.keywords;


it('should include storedAuctionResponse in video bid request', function () {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1935,7 +1952,7 @@ describe('the rubicon adapter', function () {
bidderRequest.bids[0].fpd = {
context: {
adserver: {
adServer: {
adSlot: '1234567890',
name: 'adServerName1'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2079,7 +2096,7 @@ describe('the rubicon adapter', function () {
it('should not fail if keywords param is not an array', function () {
bidderRequest.bids[0].params.keywords = 'a,b,c';
const slotParams = spec.createSlotParams(bidderRequest.bids[0], bidderRequest);

Expand Down

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