Interface for viewing "Welcome To..." deals online. Will not handle scoring - use the official app / scoring pads for that.
- make "all ready" more visible
- confirm new game always
- sound for new deal shows up
- sound for all players ready
- automatic deal new when all ready, 5s delay with visual indicator
- add "biz" text to envelopes
- Visually indicate a shuffle is coming/happened
- Show build range for temp worker suits
- Make it clearer how many points claiming a plan is worth at all times
- "game has ended" -> upload your score -> share them all at once with rankings
- Players can have a "status" - usually null, "afk" is an option
- confirm deal when not all ready
- Mark players who didn't ready up for a deal as AFK, don't prompt about them again until they ready up
- Ask for shuffle when someone claims plan for full points
- ready up by clicking the cards you're using, save that off too
- Track temp usages, broadcast to players when the game ends
- Players list shows which plans are claimed, and how many rejections
- easy/hard selector
- Optional time limit for deals