Mofy is a network configuration tool that performs random, legal modifications of configuration files of networks.
- batfish
- Z3
- Clone and install batfish.
cd projects/mofy
- Compile mofy:
mvn install
cd projects/mofy/target
java -jar mofy-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -configs <CONFIGS DIR> -outputDir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR>
OR java -cp "projects/mofy/target/mofy-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -configs <CONFIGS DIR> -outputDir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR>"
java -jar mofy-1.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar -configs <CONFIGS DIR> -outputDir <PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR> -Modification <TYPE_OF_MODIFICATION> -Percentage <CHANCE> -seed <RANDOMSEED>
Percentage seed are needed.
Option of modification: ACL Permit Subnet Swap (Only a of them at a time)