Target framework upgraded from netcoreapp3.1 to net5.0; this allows use of some new API surface in net5 which improves performance in places.
The redzen assembly is no longer strong named, as this is no longer necessary or helpful within a dotnet core runtime environment.
The following classes, interfaces, and methods have been 'spanified':
- TimSort{T}, TimSort{K,V}, TimSort{K,V,W}
- IntroSort{K,V,W}
- SortUtils
- NumericsUtils
- Base64EncodingOutputStream
- ISampler, IStatelessSampler
- MemoryBlockStream
- NonClosingStreamWrapper.
TimSort: Replaced BinarySort() method with a simple InsertionSort() method that performs much better.
IntroSort{K,V,W} performance tweaks.
Added MathSpan.Min(), Max() for double, float, and Int32.
Added MathSpan.SumOfSquares() for double, float values.
Added MathSpan Int32 overloads.
EnumerableUtils.RangeRandomOrder() now gets a temp array from ArrayPool (to reduce memory allocs and garbage collection).
Added DiscreteDistribution.SingleOutcome singleton field.
FileByteArray now uses smaller buffer size.
DefaultRandomSeedSource: Sealed the class. Use stackalloc for obaining crypto random bytes. Integer arithmetic using bitshifts (performance tweak).
Rename: NumericsUtils.ProbabilisticRound() to StochasticRound().
Rename: CalculateMedian() to Median(), and moved from NumericsUtils to MathSpan.
Rename: DoubleCircularBufferWithStats to CircularBufferWithStats.
Fix: MathUtils.Log2Ceiling(uint) gave incorrect results when the high bit was set.
MathUtils.IsPowerOfTwo() implementions changed to use BitOperations.PopCount() instead of arithmetic trick (performance tweak).
IRandomSource.NextBytes(Span{byte}) implementations reimplemented to use modern faster techniques for populating 8 bytes at a time (approx. 7% performance boost)
SpanUtils.Equals{T}() renamed to Equal{T}().
Multiple other small fixes and improvements; see repository git history for full details.