Tweitgeist analyses the Twitter Spitzer hose and compute in realtime the top trending hashtags using RedStorm/Storm. What makes this interesting other than being a cool Storm example, is the fact that this architecture will work at full Twitter Firehose scale without much modifications.
- See the slideshare presentation about Twitter Big Data and Tweitgeist.
- See the live demo on
There are three components:
- The Twitter Spitzer stream reader which pushes messages in a Redis queue
- The Redstorm analyser which read the Twitter stream queue, computes the trending hashtags and output the top N list every 5 seconds in a Redis queue
- The viewer UI for the visualization
This has been tested on OSX 10.6+, Linux 11.10 & 12.04 using JRuby 1.6.x for the RedStorm topology and Ruby 1.9.x for the Twitter Spitzer hose reader.
- Redis is required
- RVM is highly recommended as you will need to work with both Ruby/JRuby and different gemsets.
requires JRuby 1.6.x
set JRuby in 1.9 mode by default
export JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9
install the RedStorm gem using bundler with the supplied Gemfile
$ bundle install
run RedStorm installation
$ bundle exec redstorm install
package the topology required gems
$ bundle exec redstorm bundle topology
if you plan on running the topology on a cluster, package the topology jar
bundle exec redstorm jar lib/tweitgeist/
requires Ruby 1.9.x
install required gems using bundler with the supplied Gemfile
$ bundle install
requires Node.js
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs
requires npm
$ sudo apt-get install npm
install CoffeeScript if you want to modify the Node.js server
$ npm install -g coffee-script
install other dependencies
$ cd lib/viewer $ npm install .
requires JRuby 1.6.x
set JRuby in 1.9 mode by default
export JRUBY_OPTS=--1.9
$ bundle exec redstorm local lib/tweitgeist/storm/tweitgeist_topology.rb
add your cluster info to
see setting up a Storm development environment -
make sure your locally installed storm distribution
directory is in your $PATH
$ bundle exec redstorm cluster lib/tweitgeist/storm/tweitgeist_topology.rb
requires Ruby 1.9.x
to add your credentials
$ ruby lib/tweitgeist/twitter/twitter_reader.rb
$ coffee --port 8080 --host --redis-port 6379 --redis-host
or (with simulated data in case of no redis)
$ coffee --port 8080 --host --mock
Colin Surprenant, @colinsurprenant,,
Francois Lafortune, @quickredfox,,
Nicholas Brochu, @nbrochu,,
Tweitgeist is distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.