A collection of awesome useful and awesome links, resources and shiny things for our friends 😃 .
- Awesome Open Minds Team
Platformes for learning awesome stuffs online
Because we love you
- Github Student pack
- JetBrains free students pack (All IDEs for free)
- Atomic.io (free for students)
- indico API for text and image analysis.
- Free Astah Professional license for students Software Design Tools for Agile teams with UML, ER Diagram, Flowchart, Mindmap and More
- Microsoft Dev Essentials (Free Subscriptions to cloud services, tools and Learning platforms like PluralSight, DataCamp and WintellectNow)
- Gitpod Students get the Unlimited plan for €8 per month.
- Aiesec Find international internships, volunteering opportunities.
- For9a - فرصة Find your passion, learn new skills, and find free opportunities at home and abroad.
- Marj3 MENA #1 Platform for Scholarships, Opportunities and Universities enrollment around the world.
- Free computer sciences lecture courses
- Path to self-taught education in computer science
- Google: Guide to technical development
- MiftaSintaha's YouTube channel : Computer sciences video tutorials
- Cours, TDs, TPs, Examens de l'Université d'Oran 1: par Khadidja BOUKREDIMI
- Exo7 Math Des cours, des exercices et des vidéos de mathématiques
- Saïd Chermak Cours de mathématiques, probabilitéss ...
- CS Video Courses List of Computer Science courses with video lectures
- Awesome CS courses
- Math, sciences, physics video courses
- Mathrix Videoa Des cours et exercices vidéos corrigés pour réviser ton programme de collège et brevet ou lycée et bac.
- Ency education vous trouverez sur cette plateform des cours et examens qui vous accompagnerons tout au long de votre cursus (Math ou Informatique )
- Université en ligne Coherent selection of resources & Multimedia for students.
- Johny Lists: 22 Websites to Teach You How to Code
- Tutorialspoint
- Enlight learn to </> by building projects
- The Odin Project
- Superhero.js
- DevDocs multiple API documentations
- PyVideo Collection of python videos
- Nodeschool Learn Node from the command line
- Video2brain Courses online, focus on programming, animation, design, marketing and enterprise software
- Platzi Learn technology with live classes and real-time interaction
- Gitignore.io Create Useful .gitignore Files For Your Projects
- Exercism Code practice and mentorship for everyone
- Data Camp: The first and foremost leader in Data Science Education.
- Data Science : R Basics: Course about R basics presented by Harvard University
- Autodesk Circuits A web-based Arduino simulator
- S4A Based on Scratch, learn, teach your kids Arduino
- English
- Mir Rom: Photoshop
- Nick Saporito: Inkscape
- Mobbin: Inspiration
- Arabic
- Mostafa Makram: Photoshop
- Free programming books Freely available programming books
- it-ebooks
- LibreBooks
- ebook-dl
- Library Genesis
- Free Book Spot
- Free Computer Books
- FreeTechBooks
- JSbooks
- OnlineProgrammingBooks
- E-Books Directory
- Free eBooks
- All IT eBooks
- B-OK
- forcoder.org IT ebooks and e-Learning videos for download
- Scotch.io
- EggHead
- SitePoint
- FreeCodeCamp News
- CSS Reference a free visual guide to CSS
- uxdesign.cc User Experience, Usability, Product Design
- OverAPI.com Collecting All Cheat Sheets
- The list for web designers A complete toolkit for web designers, wireframes, tutorials, blogs, tools, stock photos, fonts, color schemes, icons...
- Leet Code
- Hacker Rank
- Project Euler
- Code Wars
- Rosalind: A platform for learning bioinformatics through problem solving.
- CoderByte: An alternative for HackerRank. Also, it is the #1 website for technical interview prep.
- Le Hollandais Volant Astuces et tutoriels informatique
- ElZero WebSchool : Web design tutorials
- TheNewBaghdad : Programming & Software engineering tutorials
- Abdullah Eid : Programming tutorials (One of the best JAVA tutorials)
- Muhammed Essa : Programming & Networking tutorials
- Free4Arab : IT courses (CISCO, CEH, Compatia, RHCE...)
- EgyCoder
- Arab GNU/Linux
- Mjma3
- Ali Hamdi Web developement & web design tutorials
- Hassouna academy: Everything related to computer and its sciences, web design and software
- Derek Banas
- The new Boston
- DevTips
- Adam Khoury
- CodeGeek
- Hak5: Hak5 has been developing innovative penetration testing devices, award winning online media, and immersive information security training since 2005.
- BracKeys a must have for Unity3D users
- Sentdex Python tutorials from basics to NLP, Computer vision and Machine learning
- freeCodeCamp Technical courses with no ads
- Extra Credits everything related to games development
- Traversy Media Tutorials related to Web Development
- The Cherno Great C++ series as well as Game Development
- Errichto Algorithms, competitive programming, coding interviews taught by finalist of multiple big programming competitions like ICPC, Facebook Hacker Cup and Google Code Jam
- Techie-Workshops, Techie-Workshops by Praveen Kumar
- LetsUpgrade, A Technology Community for Career Acceleration
- Code with harry, Tutorials for python, java, javascript. Helps beginners in making their projects with easiness. Every solution is provided and contains every field of computer science.
- NetNinja: Tuturials for learning HTML, Git & more
- Facebook pages
- Team Open Minds Oran Our Facebook page ❤️
- Dz Développeurs A cool Facebook page shares projects made by Algerians, useful programming posts, geeky memes, etc.
- Facebook groups
- DZ DÉVELOPPEURS The largest Algerian developers community on Facebook
- Game design
- Curriculum Vitae Template
- A long list of (advanced) JavaScript questions, and their explanations
- Algorithms and data structures implemented in JavaScript with explanations and links to further readings.
- Learn how to design large-scale systems. Prep for the system design interview. Includes Anki flashcards.
- GitHub Repository where we can play Chess. It depicts an awesome use of GitHub Actions.
- JetBrains' Intellij IDEs
- CodeBlocks
- Atom
- Brackets
- Sublime Text
- Vim
- Visual Studio Code
- VSCodium Free/Libre Open Source Software Binaries of VSCode
- MonoDevelop
- CamScanner
- SoloLearn
- Evernote
- Laverna: Multi-platforme note taking solution.
- Mimo: Learn how to code on your phone
- Lrn: Learn to code at your convinience
- Grasshopper
- <enki/> The #1 app to level up data science and technical skills (available on iOS and Android)
- Dcoder: Next Gen Coding... (Available on Android & iOS)
- Codeshare
- JSFiddle
- Kobra.io
- A web whiteboard A touch-friendly online whiteboard (tableau)
- Glitch (GoMix) Build your applications online, with real collaboration
- Android Developers Backstage Podcast interviewing Google engineers about the latest Android APIs
- Context Podcast Podcast that discusses on various frameworks and tools available in Android Community
- From The Source From the Source is an interview show that answers the question of what tech jobs are really like, both the good and the boring.
- Tech Queens Stories and advice shared by women of color in tech
- Open source developer podcast Looking at open source including projects, community and people.
- BookBytes A book club for developers.
- Code NewbieStories from people on their coding journey.
- Ladybug Podcast An all lady-hosted tech podcast for all developers.