This repository contains a number of configuration files for using zc.buildout to quickly set up a testing/development environment for your package.
A good example of how to use this, is bobtemplates.plone. Follow the instructions there to create a Plone add-on, and look at the created files, especially the various buildout configs and .travis.yml.
The intended usage is to create a buildout.cfg
[buildout] extends = package-name =
Create a virtualenv and run buildout.
This should give you a bin/test
script, which can be used to
run your package's tests. If your tests have additional dependencies, you
should declare them via the extras_require
parameter of
and refer to the key used using the package-extras
[buildout] extends = package-name = package-extras = [test]
If you want to do continuous integration with Travis CI you can use this same buildout config.
And a .travis.yml
version: ~> 1.0 import: collective/buildout.plonetest:travis/default.yml python: "2.7" env: PLONE_VERSION=5.2
This repository also has travis-*.cfg
files, that try to be faster by downloading the Plone universal installer.
This is no longer recommended, because Travis meanwhile has better caching support.
Only the Travis config files for Plone 5.1 and earlier have been kept, to avoid breaking add-ons.
In your own buildout config, replace travis-*.cfg
with test-*.cfg
and you should be fine.
Also take over the cache
setting from the .travis.yml
file above.
Include the following in your buildout configuration to create an i18ndude helper script to update the po files of your product:
[buildout] extends = package-name = package-extras = [test] parts+= i18ndude rebuild_i18n-sh
After running bin/buildout
you will find a bin/
; run the
script and the po files will be updated.
Domain name is taken from the ${buildout:package-name}
The plone domain is also included.
Originally, the rebuild_i18n-sh
part used a filesystem template.
This is deprecated and no longer updated.
Update your .travis.yml
file with the following:
before_script: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - sh -e /etc/init.d/xvfb start
The buildout.cfg
file in your package should look like this:
[buildout] extends = package-name = package-extras = [test] [versions] setuptools = 41.2.0 zc.buildout = 2.13.2
The versions are optional, but they can help in avoiding restarts when buildout tries to upgrade itself to a version pinned in Plone. It is fine to start without them, but when you run into problems in Travis CI, consider adding them. In this way, all Plone versions use the same buildout and setuptools versions.
These versions match a requirements.txt
like this:
setuptools==41.2.0 zc.buildout==2.13.2
The .travis.yml
file should look like this:
version: ~> 1.0 import: collective/buildout.plonetest:travis/default.yml matrix: include: - python: "2.7" env: PLONE_VERSION="4.3" - python: "2.7" env: PLONE_VERSION="5.1" - python: "2.7" env: PLONE_VERSION="5.2" - python: "3.7" env: PLONE_VERSION="5.2"
The trick here is to replace the extended configuration with the right one using the sed command.
The following configurations are experimental and may change at any time.
If you want to add Quality Assurance to your continuous integration you can
update your buildout.cfg
file like:
[buildout] extends = package-name = package-extras = [test] package-min-coverage = 80 parts+= createcoverage coverage-sh code-analysis
and add and commit .coveragerc
(see example at
and update your .travis.yml
language: python python: 2.7 cache: pip: true directories: - eggs env: - TARGET=test - before_install: - virtualenv -p `which python` . - bin/pip install -r requirements.txt - bin/buildout -N -t 3 annotate install: - bin/buildout -N -t 3 script: - bin/$TARGET