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Ajax popup to browse and select plone contents, suitable to any plone.formilb form (portlets, control panels, ...)

This code is an extraction with some refactoring, of PloneArticle explorer used for referencables proxies.

The intent is to make it usable in various situations:

  • to store selected contents in plone.formlib based Plone forms (portlet or control panel forms as example)
  • for collective.ckeditor or any possible wysiwyg editor for referencing images or contents inside a rich text field, it's also possible to upload files / images and create folders with this product (dependency to collective.quickupload)
  • for referencable fields inside AT edit forms (future)
  • for links fields (as remoteUrl in ATLink) to reference internal links (future)

This work has been started at Ingeniweb in 2007 by Christophe Bosse (for the jQuery code) and Jean-Mat Grimaldi (everything else) for PloneArticle product.

Plone add-ons developers only

This is a component for Plone add-ons developers. Do not expect to add anything more in yous site if you install only this component to your Zope instance.

Plone 5.2 and later support is in 2.x releases.

Plone 4.3 support in 1.x releases.


  • Plone (tested with Plone 3.3.5 and Plone 4)
  • collective.quickupload


  • Nothing to do if you have installed collective.ckeditor (Plone 4 only today)
  • Otherwise install it as any Zope package using buildout :
    • add collective.plonefinder in your eggs section
    • add collective.plonefinder in your zcml section of the plone.recipe.zope2instance part definition if on Plone 3.0 or 3.1
    • Run bin/buildout

Nothing else.

How to use it as a reference widget in formlib forms

Basic usage

A reference widget for zope3 forms ( is provided with this product.

The widget can be used to store objects references in a sequence field.

Example of use in a portlet form for a Tuple field named target_contents:

from collective.plonefinder.widgets.referencewidget import FinderSelectWidget

target_contents = schema.Tuple(title=u"Browse for contents",
                               description=(u"Choose contents to display "
                                            u"with a plone finder window."),

form_fields['target_contents'].custom_widget = FinderSelectWidget

Tweaking some properties

You can use the FinderSelectWidget with some properties set using the update method in your AddForm or EditForm. In example for a portlet AddForm:

class AddForm(base.AddForm):
    """Portlet add form.
    form_fields = form.Fields(IReferencesPortlet)
    form_fields['targets'].custom_widget = FinderSelectWidget
    label = u"Add References Portlet"

    def update(self):
        super(AddForm, self).update()
        self.widgets['targets'].typeview = 'image'
        self.widgets['targets'].forcecloseoninsert = 1

    def create(self, data):
        return Assignment(**data)

If you want, you can also pass a context as base for the widget, to get the current or parent folder open in the finder. Example in a portlet using the update method:

assignment = aq_parent(aq_inner(self.context))
self.widgets['targets'].base = aq_parent(aq_inner(assignment))

There are also two customized widgets for files and images. Look at the code to create your own specific widget.

Example of code for files referencing with files upload support:

from collective.plonefinder.widgets.referencewidget import FinderSelectFileWidget

target_files = schema.Tuple(title=u"Browse for images",
                            description=(u"Choose files to display "
                                         u"with a plone finder window. "
                                         u"You can upload new files."),

form_fields['target_files'].custom_widget = FinderSelectFileWidget

Example of code for images referencing with images upload support:

from collective.plonefinder.widgets.referencewidget import FinderSelectImageWidget

target_images = schema.Tuple (title=u"Browse for images",
                              description=(u"Choose images to display "
                                           u"with a plone finder window. "
                                           u"You can select different image sizes. "
                                           u"You can upload new images."),
                              default= ()

form_fields['target_images'].custom_widget = FinderSelectImageWidget

Note that in this last case the data store image uid and image thumb size like this:

'%s/%s' % (image.UID(), thumb_size_extension)

thumb_size_extension could be 'image_thumb' or 'image_preview' ...

So use something like this to display a referenced image:

uid, variant = data.split('/')
'<img src="%s/resolveuid/%s/%s" />' % (portal_url, uid, variant)

Full list of customization attributes

Attribute Default value Description
finderlabel _(u'Browse for contents') Customize the title of the Browser window. i.e. "Find the pictures"
moveuplabel _(u'Move up') Label associated with the up arrow widget that raises the order of the reference. i.e. "Increase priority".
movedownlabel _(u'Move down') Label associated with the down arrow widget that lowers the order of the reference. i.e. "Decrease priority".
deleteentrylabel _(u'Remove item') Label associated with the "Remove from list" widget. i.e. "Remove this video".
types () # All types List of selectable portal types to show in the selection panel. i.e. ['Document']
typeview 'file' Possible values are 'file', 'image' and 'selection'. Tuning on selection panel layout.
imagetypes ('Image', 'News Item') Sequence of portal types that can handle images (see Todo)
selectiontype 'uid' Selected items are returned to the application (form) as UIDs. Other possible value is 'url'.
showsearchbox True Do we show the searchbox?
allowupload False Do we enable upload files through our widget if the user has appropriate permission? See Uploadding in custom folderish type
openuploadwidgetdefault False Do we display the upload widget by default?
allowaddfolder False Do we enable adding new folders through our widget if the user has appropriate permission?
allowimagesizeselection False If the image has multiple sizes, do we enable the selection of a particular size? (See the above note)
forcecloseoninsert False Do we close the finder when an element is selected?
base None The folderish object used as root of the finder when opening. None means the Plone site. Note that by nature, this attribute cannot be set statically, in a FinderSelectWidget personal subclass for example as other can be. See the example in simple customizations on how to change the widget base attribute dynamically from the form class code.

Developer Howto

How to use it in a WYSIWYG editor

The more easy way is creating a specific view, because you will often need to override the javascript method to select objects, and because each editor has its specific negociations with the browser.

See collective.ckeditor package as example.

Uploadding in custom folderish type

If you want to let the plone finder users upload files in your custom or third party folderish content types, you need to mark these types with the IFinderUploadCapable marker interface. As in this self-speaking ZCML sample:

<class class="my.content.folderish.MyFolderish">
     interface="collective.plonefinder.browser.interfaces.IFinderUploadCapable" />

Out of the box, collective.plonefinder enables upload in the Plone site itself as well as in ATFolder and ATBTreeFolder.


  • Functional doctests
  • i18n support
  • Finder improvements:
    • Ajax opening/moving/resizing and all window effects inside the same browser window (in progress, need some js refactoring)
    • improve contextual actions menu (change workflow state, rename, delete, copy, paste ...)
    • add a finder menu action to show/hide the current selection list in right panel
    • remove items from selection list in finder window
  • Improve zope3 reference widget properties
    • add option to hide/show or just mark selected items in finder browsing results (just need to store the finder blacklist in session)
    • add option to set a specific catalog query stored in session
    • add option to change finder catalog.
  • New zope3 widget to store urls (for a string field)
  • Archetypes support:
    • ATPloneFinderWidget for Reference fields (not a big challenge, just need to use ATReferenceBrowserWidget as base to start the work)
    • ATLinkWidget to store internal links
  • Dexterity support (z3c.form)
  • Supplement types and imagetypes attributes with others uning interfaces for a better flexibility.
  • Provide as parameter a factory that provides the results in the desired format. i.e You need a particular attribute of the target or some computed value.
  • Componentize the code for more flexibility.

Any contribution is welcome, contact


Jean-mat Grimaldi - Alter Way Solutions

Code repository
