- The goal is to learn how to attack wifi and also learn the various ways how we can prevent ourselves from such attacks
- Wifi Pentesting
Aircrack-ng suite
Aircrack-ng is a comprehensive suite of tools designed for auditing wireless networks. It can be used to monitor, attack, test, and crack Wi-Fi networks, making it an essential tool for security professionals and ethical hackers. Here’s an overview of how to install and use Aircrack-ng on a Linux system
- Connect your wifi adapter and verify if its connected by typing 'lsusb'
- This attack is much better compared to bruteforcing that usually takes long
- It involves creating a rogue access point where by its the user who actually types in the password for you then you can compare it with your handshake and if its the correct one, then its a success
- Airgeddon-ng
- A wifi adapter that supports VIFF(Virtual Inerfaces)