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R package for finding matches, either with treatment/control groups, or continuous treatment


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matchfinder is for finding best matches based on predictability. The general idea: a given match is bad if we can predict which units are treated and which are control.

Main Concept

First let's discuss the case of matched pairs:

  • We have a set of T treatment units and C control units, for a total of N = T + C units
  • We form n pairs, where n ≤ T, n ≤ C
    • Each pair consists of one treated unit and one control unit
    • Typically we restrict each treated unit to show up at most once in all pairs
    • Optionally we can restrict the control units the same way
  • We may leave out some or many of the original units
  • The groups of units, all resulting matched treated units, and all resulting matched control units, shouldn't differ systematically, to reduce bias
  • The units within each pair should be similar, to reduce variance

However, it isn't enough to evaluate group-level statistics for the bias part: say we have some variable x and in our pairs of (treated, control), it only takes the values (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3) and (3, 0), each 25% of the time. Then the variable will have the same group-level statistics for treated and control units, but there's a clear pattern in the data. If x has some non-linear effect on the outcome, this would bias our results.

If you were given half the pairs, along with all relevant info about the pairs (values of x, which unit is treated etc), you could quickly learn the pattern given and easily predict which unit is the treated when looking at the other half. This means it's easy to predict which units are the treated units, and our match is bad.


We're not yet on CRAN, but you can install from github with devtools or remotes:

## install.packages("devtools")

## OR:

## install.packages("remotes")


We'll work through two small examples, one bipartite, one non-bipartite.


First we'll load the library and setup some data:


treat_effect <- 0.3

rows <- 600L
num_weight_vecs <- 25L
x_mat <- cbind(rnorm(rows),
treat_vec <- (1L:rows) %in%
    sample(1L:rows, size = floor(rows * 0.45),
           prob = (x_mat[, 2] + 2) / 5)
y_vector <- x_mat[, 1] + x_mat[, 2] + treat_vec * treat_effect + rnorm(rows)

Next let's compute the covariance matrix (and distance matrix). Note that covariance_with_ranks allows us to specify which columns should be used on a rank level if desired.

cov_x <- covariance_with_ranks(x_mat)

## we don't use this, just showing how it's done
## under the hood within the higher-level functions
## or if you wanted to call `bipartite_matches` directly
dist_mat <- weighted_mahal(x_mat,
    cov_x = cov_x,
    weight_vec = c(0.66, 0.33),
    treat_vec = treat_vec

We generate some random weight vectors: idea is that we'll end up using the one that gave us the best match. You don't have to use this function, it just has some reasonble features for generating random vectors, including setting minimum weights, prior weights etc.

We're only generating 25 here, but for a serious go of things, we'd probably want closer to 1,000.

weight_vecs <- generate_random_weights(
    prior_weights = c(2, 1),
    number_vectors = num_weight_vecs,
    minimum_weights = c(0.1, 0.1)

We'll now generate many matches. Here we only try two different sink values; in general we can either try many more here, or increase until we get the desired randomness in the match.

We'll do this two ways. Firstly, the two steps explicitly:

  1. Generate the matches
  2. Compute the Brier score for each match
## 1. Here we generate all the matches: one for each pair
##    of weight vector and sink value
all_wr_matches <- all_bipartite_matches(
    x_mat = x_mat,
    cov_x = cov_x,
    weight_list = weight_vecs,
    treat_vec = treat_vec,
    match_method = "with_replacement",
    n_sinks = c(0L, 30L, 100L, 200L)

## 2. get all brier scores for all results
wr_briers <- lapply(all_wr_matches, function(by_sinks) {
    unlist(lapply(by_sinks, function(indiv_match_list) {
            x_mat = x_mat,
            match_list = indiv_match_list,

Or we can call brier_bipartite_matches, which performs both steps for us:

brier_wr_matches <- brier_bipartite_matches(
    x_mat = x_mat,
    cov_x = cov_x,
    weight_list = weight_vecs,
    treat_vec = treat_vec,
    match_method = "with_replacement",
    n_sinks = c(0L, 30L, 100L, 200L),
    silent = TRUE

And indeed they're identical in terms of the matches:

> ## to verify (can use any of the matches):
> all.equal(all_wr_matches[["100"]][[2]],
> [1] TRUE

The Brier scores however won't be the same, since they're based off random draws to split training and testing. Note that by default, the prediction method used is xgboost. You may want to change this. Both brier_score (and therefore brier_score_cv) and brier_[non]bipartite_matches take a parameter match_predict_function, which is by default the result of calling match_predict_xgb(): match_predict_xgb with all its defaults (defaults for defaults!). This generates a function that only takes one parameter, train_test_list; this is what match_predict_function is expected to be. See match_predict_xgb and match_predict_linear for more details. Both take parameters, so can be adjusted to your preference:

  • if you're happy with xgboost but just want to change the parameters, you just call match_predict_xgb with your desired params:
    some_result <- any_function_that_uses_match_predict_function(
        match_predict_function = match_predict_xgb(
            nrounds = 100,
            nthread = 4,
            params = list(eta = 0.3, max.depth = 6)
            ## anything else gets passed to xgboost::xgb.train
    If you need more flexibility than that (e.g. you want to change objective = "binary:logistic" or anything), the functions produced by match_predict_xgb aren't too complex, you can build it manually
  • if you want a simpler linear model - either logistic (glm) or actually linear (lm), pass match_predict_linear(use_linear_lm = FALSE) # or true!. It'll default to glm; to use lm, pass in use_linear_lm = TRUE.
  • For a totally custom prediction function, again the internals of either should make clear what's happening

Anyway, now that we have our matches we want to choose one of them! For a given number of sinks, we can default to using the hardest to predict match: the match with the largest Brier score. But there are two things left to consider:

  • For any given number of sinks, even if we choose the best, how good is this resulting match? Close to random, or still highly separable / easy to predict?
  • If we have the best match per sink number, which match should we actually go with? What number of sinks is appropriate?

The corresponding paper goes into more detail, but essentially what we do is score each match based on a permutation test. We could in theory just check if the Brier score is above 0.25 or not, but this ignores many factors including the overfitting behaviour of the chosen prediction function.

The permutation test:

  • We take a given match
  • For each iteration: we randomly choose the labelling for each pair (i.e. randomly choose which is treated vs control)
  • We run the prediction algorithm and record the resulting Brier score
  • We do this "some large number" of times
  • The permutation score is how many permutation Briers were below the match's

This answers both questions:

  • We can now effectively judge a match on a non-relative level
  • We choose the number of sinks that first gives us an acceptable permutation score (going beyond that is throwing data away for higher variance in the actual result)

Let's now calculate this permutation score. In the below, you could of course have used the two named elements of brier_wr_matches either:

perm_results <- permutation_matches(
    matches_by_sinks = all_wr_matches,
    briers_by_sinks = wr_briers,
    x_mat = x_mat,
    n_sinks = c(0L, 30L, 100L, 200L)

It's useful (but not necessary) to use purrr for the results, so let's load that up:


The resulting object has two named elements:

  • permutation_brier_scores: this is a list with the same shape as all_wr_matches and wr_briers: that is, a list with an element per sink, and each of those is a result per match (in this case just a list of vectors). Let's look at this now (this is from a random run; you'll have different results):
> perm_results$permutation_brier_scores
 [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

 [1] 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.93 1.00 1.00
[16] 1.00 0.99 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.96 1.00 0.99 1.00

 [1] 0.95 1.00 0.95 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.83 0.97 0.91 0.93 1.00 0.91 0.81 1.00 1.00
[16] 1.00 1.00 0.93 1.00 0.83 1.00 0.95 1.00 0.95 0.96

 [1] 0.76 0.84 0.62 0.52 0.64 0.84 0.94 0.54 0.46 0.92 0.85 0.80 1.00 0.67 0.92
[16] 0.82 0.76 0.88 0.21 0.68 0.93 0.64 0.68 0.82 0.81
  • best_matches: this gives a list with each element being a match, one per sink value. That is, we simply choose the best match by Brier score for each sink level and return it. Well that would be too little, we actually return a new list/object with the following elements:
    • n_sinks : somewhat simple here, try map(perm_results$best_matches, "n_sinks") or map_int if you want to get spooky
    • raw_brier: the raw Brier score from the input match. We already inputted the data that generated this result with wr_briers. We can see this with lapply(wr_briers, max) vs map(perm_results$best_matches, "raw_brier")
    • permutation_brier: the result of running the permutation Briers and counting how many scores were above the actual Brier. By default the process will only actually run the Brier scoring on the best outcome, so we'll have the best raw Brier also gives the best permutation Brier, but this doesn't have to be true in general. Hence why lapply(wr_briers, which.max) matches lapply(perm_results$permutation_brier_scores, which.min).
    • match_list: the original match that we inputted into permutation_matches! Let's look at 30 for a second: best_30_index <- which.max(wr_briers[["30"]]). Then we'll see that perm_results$best_matches[["30"]]$match_list is identical to the input all_wr_matches[["30"]][[best_30_index]].

Having the whole distribution of permutation scores available to us can be very handy, in case we're worried we got a weird outlier etc. For example, in my case I get the following results:

> map_dbl(perm_results$best_matches, "permutation_brier")
   0    30   100   200
1.00  0.93  0.81  0.21

In contrast, drawing a histogram can reveal what's really happening:

0 || 1

0 |                           ▁▁█| 1

0 |                        ▂  ▂▃█| 1

0 |      ▂      ▂ ▂▂ ▂▅█ ▅▂██▂█▂▂| 1

Here's the output for the four best matches:

    treat_est  treat_se num_matches num_sinks treat_sd raw_brier perm_brier
    0.50753   0.10678           270         0 1.7546   0.23732         1.00
    0.44120   0.10370           240        30 1.6066   0.24966         0.93
    0.34341   0.11819           170       100 1.5410   0.25219         0.81
    0.14635   0.15058            70       200 1.2598   0.27098         0.21

The simple regression, y ~ treatment_vector, gives an estimate of 0.57579 with a standard error of 0.12375. In this case, the full regression of y ~ treatment_vector + X is nearly optimal (but we only know that because we generated the data), which gives an estimate of 0.43776 with a standard error of 0.08504.

So what do we see?

Non Bipartite


R package for finding matches, either with treatment/control groups, or continuous treatment







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