A simple clojure build of the popular game Snake. Using Java Swing as the GUI.
into directory of the repository- Execute:
$ lein uberjar
via jar:
java -jar snek-0.1.0-standalone.jar [args]
via leiningen:
lein run -m app.clj
- butlast - returns a sequence of all but the last item in a collection, in linear time.
- assoc - when applied to map, returns a new map of the same type that contains mapping of keys to vals. when applied to vector returns new vector that contains the val at index.
- cons - returns a new sequence where x is the first element and sequence is the rest
- memoize - returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function. The memoized version of the funtion keeps a cache of the mapping from arugments to results and, when calls with the same arugments are repeated has a higher preformence.
- with-meta - adds meta-data
- count - returns number of items in collection
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Distributed under the GNU General Public License either version 3.0 or (at your option) any later version.