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GitHub Organisational Structure

Polly Hudson edited this page Jan 8, 2025 · 2 revisions

Below is a description of how we have chosen to structure and organise this organisation, including the teams and repositories.

Core Repositories

Current 'Core' repositories are as follows:

  • Colouring Core - This is the core version of the Colouring Cities platform. Partner repositories forked from this repo, which contains code used across all platforms. This repo derives from the Colouring London prototype and is now being developed collaboratively with CCRP academic partners.

  • Colouring Britain - This repo is the national extension of the original Colouring London prototype. Like the other CCRP platforms, it is a fork from Colouring Core. This is a good place to look if you want to see how a CCRP platform has been developed and where new core code features are showcased.

  • CCRP Manual - The Manual includes information about CCRP set up, governance, protocols and ethical framework as well as other documentation and instructions for using and contributing to the code. It is currently edited at The Alan turing Institute, with infidvidual country pages managed by international academic partners

  • Impact Studies - The Impact Studies page contains a collection of international Impact Studies, to provide information on how data from CCRP platforms and similar microspatial building attribute data is being, and can be, used. Any site user can add an impact study. Impact Study section set-up and moderation is being overseen at The Alan Turing Institute but will be co-developed and managed in future by the academic consortium.

Platform Repositories

The CCRP platform network is made up of multiple repositories collecting data e.g Colouring Britain, Colouring Dresden, Colouring Montreal, Colouring Philippines, etc. These often begin as demo platforms for one city and are then These are created as a fork from the Core Platform to ensure standardisation, though new data classes may be added to meet individual country requirements. We encourage upload of all building footprints (behind the CCRP firewall) as a first step, and then focus on data upload for a demo city or town. All platforms are at different stages of development. There is only one CCRP repo per country. The repo may be managed by an individual research institution or an academic consortium. Repos are set up by Turing but are managed independently, at country level, by academic partners. All partners follow CCRP protocols and have identifical core branding and interfaces.

CCRP Alan Turing Institute Admin

The CCRP team at the Alan Turing Institute in London currently hosts the management of the GitHub site. (Turing is the UK's National Institute for Data Science & AI). Core developments are undertaken in consultation with the CCRP Global Hub Advisory Group (made up of Global Hub Leads), and the CCRP International Research Software Engineering Group. As the CCRP host, The Turing has top level 'Maintainer' rights, which means it can create and delete repositories, and 'read', 'clone' and 'push' code to the Core Repository (as well as to Colouring Britain). However it does not push to country level repositories, unless specifically requested by academic partners, and would only block a repository, rather than notify a repository academic lead, in exceptional circumastances i.e. if security, privacy, protocol or data ethics issues were to arise that could compromise CCRP's research network and reputation. A permanent block would be enforced only in consultation with CCRP Global Hub academic leads. Maintainer rights also allow Turing to create new repositories for new academic institutions and to develop systems to improve network communication. Turing manages the 'parent' team and country level partners are added as children of this parent team. Turing also oversees CCRP manual editing, and the CCRP Impact Study section. All new code for the core platform is approved at 'Admin' level. In future 'Admin' rights will be extended to include Global Hub leads.

CCRP Country level admin

All aspects of Colouring Ciies platforms are the responsibility of the academic institutions that manage these at country level. Colouring Cities PIs therefore have 'maintain' level access to their own CCRP repositories. This allows them to make their own decisions on access for Co-Is, technical leads and RSEs and to grant them appropriate levels of access. All CCRP team members have 'write' access - e.g they can 'read', 'clone' and can create new issues and pull requests. PIs also have 'push' code rights to their own repository. PIs and designated Co-Is are resonsible for managing repos and keeping Academic Partner Info Pages updated and are able to add to the 'CCRP Impact Study section' without moderation. CCRP protocols and codes of conduct should be read by new members of Colouring Cities teams. New code developed for CCRP platforms by individual teams must be made available withon repositories under the CCRP's GNU Public licence, and produced in line with the CCRP's protocols and ethical framework. This is regardless of whether or not code are integrated into the CCRP core repository.

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