Webbased old-school Amiga music tracker in plain old javascript - Plays and edits Amiga Mod files and FastTracker XM files
A plugin for tailwind css that adds border-image utilities
Virtual Midi Sampler for the browser -VMD(Virtual Midi Device)-
Searches for matching comments with a given user and query in Meneame user history
Cryptocurrency Trading Bot that looks for large pools of liquidity getting liquidated on margin trading, when it finds these it counter trades them!
Replace absolute paths to relative paths after typescript compilation
📍➡️ 🇩🇰 Convert longitude-latitude pairs to ISO 3166-1 codes quickly and locally
Compact library for building RESTful server applications with NodeJs
Create a Super Mario game in vanilla JS from scratch.
An interactive git training meant to teach you how git works, not just which commands to execute
Timers based in musical parameters (time signature, tempo and beat resolution)
Automatically exported from
Safe and fast access to named elements in DOM document
Create animations with limited framerate (fps) in javascript
JStick (JoyStick ) - 2D Sprite based game engine for javascript
Grido-CMS is a minimal flat-file content management system for portfolios, and other tiled listings.
WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
Text, diagrams, and source code for the book Computer Graphics from scratch.
appJSeed - Javascript essential core Object data structure & methods for App development (Uses Jquery)
Simple BeatBox ( Drum Machine) implementation concept in JS
Experimental Custom Binders for ES6 modules imports (as Models) ( via System.import )
Torrent Release Watcher ( Google Chrome Extension )
Provides a basic TTY Console in bootloader stage (FASM Assembly, x86 Real Mode)