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configure rsyncd

commandline_be edited this page May 14, 2020 · 1 revision

Just because it took me a long time to find a suitable rsyncd.conf below a copy for safe keeping.

== file starts here, copy the below to /etc/rsyncd.conf

# /etc/rsyncd: configuration file for rsync daemon mode
  # See rsyncd.conf man page for more options.
  # configuration example:

uid = username
#uid = nobody
gid = groupname
#gid = nobody
# use chroot = yes
max connections = 400
read only = false
pid file = /var/run/
exclude = lost+found/
transfer logging = yes
log file = /var/log/rsyncd.log
# timeout = 900
# ignore nonreadable = yes
dont compress   = *.gz *.tgz *.zip *.z *.Z *.rpm *.deb *.bz2

       path = /path/to/data/store
       comment = datastore

Also edit /etc/default/rsync and make sure


is set so you can use systemctl restart rsync or service restart rsync,
whatever fits your flavour of Linux. The above configuration file should be easy to adjust for other OS.

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