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Speedy Spotless

!!! This project is deprecated. See for formatting Java code according to the Google Java Format.

For easy formatting of staged changes. Inspired by pretty-quick.

It includes apply and check goals from Spotless Maven Plugin but also includes the new goal staged to trigger the formatting of files staged in Git.

Works with Java 8+.


Speedy Spotless supports the exact same configuration options as Spotless Maven Plugin.

Additionally the install-hooks goal may be used to install a pre-commit Git hook to format staged files when committing.

            <removeUnusedImports />

Ensure the install-hooks goal is declared in your root POM.


See Spotless Maven Plugin for code formatting options.


  • Currently only Java files are formatted. Spotless's spotlessFiles option is ignored.


# Building the maven plugin
mvn clean package

# Installing the maven plugin
mvn clean install -DskipTests

Deploying to Maven Central

# Required on macOS
export GPG_TTY

# Setup GPG, maven settings.xml

mvn clean deploy -P release