Releases: common-workflow-language/schema_salad
schema_salad 8.2.20210918131710 improve support for rdflib > 5
schema_salad 8.2.20210914115719 ; codegen improvements, tweaked resolver behavior
resolver: inject fewer IDs (#430) a6e2c34 @mr-c
codegen: place 'class' field early 8cbc01c @mr-c
fix loading of long form secondaryfiles (#427) b2abeb5 @mr-c
deal with anonymous types better (#428) 5c86585 @mr-c
singular secondaryFiles long form entry (#431) 87394ba @mr-c
better baseURIs 2c81f4e @mr-c
improve the Validator CLI d9ef0e @mr-c
tidy up pom.xml with xmllint --format 8c63791 @mr-c
document exception sources better f1f465c @mr-c
Update rdflib-jsonld requirement from <0.6.0,>=0.4.0 to >=0.4.0,<0.7.0 @dependabot 3ed19d6
cope/avoid datetime objects; aarch64/arm64 wheels & containers
Add linux aarch64 wheel build support (#420) 5569e28 @odidev @mr-c
Build mypyc-enable Alpine linux docker container & publish it 07aab3a 2452fc2 9fa9171 @odidev @mr-c
Java codegen: cope with anonymous types a9f213c @mr-c
JSON dumping: cope with datetimes when dumping c1a1fc8 49d107b @mr-c
YAML loading: avoid datetime objects e2479c4 @mr-c
schema_salad 8.1.20210721123742: allow newer rdflib; more tests
serialize RDF graphs more directly
dump json directly to stdout
upgrade to Python 3.6+ syntax
schema_salad 8.1.20210716111910 : type fixes & doc generation fixes
schema_salad: 8.1.20210627200047 Use the existing concept of "vocabulary" to handle class names
schema_salad: 8.0.20210624154013 include the typeshed in the sdist
Merge pull request #411 from common-workflow-language/ship_local_type…
schema_salad 8.0.20210624101613 ; fix for binary wheel builds
schema_salad 8.0.20210624094941 ; fix for URI conversion to avro namespaces for types
schema_salad 7.1.20210611090601 ; fixed resolution examples & dependency updates
Fix resolution examples (#394) 8d18419 @tom-tan
ruamel.yaml up to 0.18 1f2ce96 065cdda 19c2d1c @mvdbeek @mr-c @dependabot
Update pytest requirement from <6.2,>=6.0.2 to >=6.0.2,<6.3 3bf3be3 @mr-c @dependabot
Bump mypy from 0.812 to 0.902 b43fb2c 2cc8a93 1ed0ef4 @mr-c @dependabot
Bump cachecontrol from 0.11.7 to 0.12.6 f877373 @dependabot @mr-c