SongSurf allows you to discover new music that you'll love through an informative, attractive, and intuitive website. Input your favorite artists, albums, or songs and receive recommendations based on what you love. SongSurf also allows you to track your favorite discoveries for future use.
- Algorithm-based music discovery generation for tracks, artists, and albums.
- Configurable search for track, artist, or album.
- Ability for users to like/dislike
- Generated list of liked tracks/artists/albums
- Intuitive and easy to use interface
- and more!
How to Install and Run
- Install Python 3
- Clone repository, then enter
unix/win> git clone
unix/win> cd SongSurf
- Create a virtual environment
windows> python -m venv my_venv
unix> python3 -m venv my_venv
- Activate virtual environment
windows> my_venv\Scripts\activate
unix> source my_venv/bin/activate
- Install the required libraries
windows> pip install -r requirements.txt
unix> pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Run the flask server
windows> python src/backend/
unix> python3 src/backend/
- Open the website link in the console
- Shahbaj Sohal:
- William Balbuena:
- Patrick Nisperos:
- Flask - 🛠️ The Python micro framework for building web applications.
- - 🛠️ API allows building own program using data.
- Python - 🛠️ A general-purpose programming language useful for backend.
- JavaScript - 🛠️ A scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, and anything web related.
- SQL - 🛠️ A programming language used to manage data stored in relational databases, which store structured data in tables.
Our code utilizes some software design patterns to ensure quality and scalability.
- Facade - 📦 All data displayed to the user in the front end retrieve data from simplified function calls from the backend. Which include: Our database, the API calls for albums, artists, tracks, and the recommendation algorithm