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The QCG Pilot Job service for execution of many computing tasks inside one allocation


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The QCG Pilot Job service for execution of many computing tasks inside one allocation

The QCG Pilot Manager v 0.3

Author: Piotr Kopta, Tomasz Piontek, Bartosz Bosak

Copyright (C) 2017-2018 Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center


The QCG PilotJob Manager system is designed to schedule and execute many small jobs inside one scheduling system allocation. Direct submission of a large group of jobs to a scheduling system can result in long aggregated time to finish as each single job is scheduled independently and waits in a queue. On the other hand the submission of a group of jobs can be restricted or even forbidden by administrative policies defined on clusters. One can argue that there are available job array mechanisms in many systems, however the traditional job array mechanism allows to run only bunch of jobs having the same resource requirements while jobs being parts of a multiscale simulation by nature vary in requirements and therefore need more flexible solutions.

From the scheduling system perspective, QCG PilotJob Manager is seen as a single job inside a single user allocation. In the other words, the manager controls an execution of a complex experiment consisting of many jobs on resources reserved for the single job allocation. The manager listens to user's requests and executes commands like submit job, cancel job and report resources usage. In order to manage the resources and jobs the system takes into account both resources availability and mutual dependencies between jobs . Two interfaces are defined to communicate with the system: file-based and network-based. The former one is dedicated and more convenient for a static scenarios when a number of jobs is known in advance to the QCG PilotJob Manager start. The network interface is more general and flexible as it allows to dynamically send new requests and track execution of previously submitted jobs during the run-time.


QCG Pilot Job Manager consists of the following internal functional modules:

  • Queue - the queue containing jobs waiting for resources,
  • Scheduler algorithm - the algorithm selecting jobs and assigning resources to them.
  • Registry - the permanent registry containing information about all (current and historical) jobs in the system,
  • Executor - a module responsible for execution of jobs for which resources were assigned.


All the jobs submitted to the QCG PilotJob Manger system are placed in the queue in the order of they arrival. The scheduling algorithm of QCG PilotJob Manager works on that queue. The goal of the Scheduler is to determine the order of execution and amount of resources assigned to individual jobs to maximise the throughput of the system. The algorithm is based on the following set of rules:

  • Jobs being in the queue are processed in the FIFO manner,
  • For every feasible (ready for execution) job the maximum (possible) amount of requested resources is determined. If the amount of allocated resources is greater than the minimal requirements requested by the user, the resources are exclusively assigned to the job and the job is removed from the queue to be executed.
  • If the minimal resource requirements are greater than total available resources the job is removed from the queue with the FAILED status.
  • If the amount of resources doesn't allow to start the job, it stays in the queue with the QUEUED status to be taken into consideration again in the next scheduling iteration,
  • Jobs waiting for successful finish of any other job, are not taken into consideration and stay in the queue with the QUEUED state,
  • Jobs for which dependency constraints can not be met, due to failure or cancellation of at least one job which they depend on, are marked as OMITTED and removed from the queue,
  • If the algorithm finishes processing the given job and some resources still remain unassigned the whole procedure is repeated for the next job.


The QCG PilotJob Manager module named Executor is responsible for execution and control of jobs by interacting with the cluster resource management system. The current implementation is integrated with the SLURM system, but the modular approach allows for relatively easy integration also with other queuing systems. The PilotJob Manager and all the jobs controlled by it are executed in a single allocation. To hide this fact from the individual job and to give it an impression that it is executed directly by the queuing system a set of environment variables, typically set by the queuing system, is overwritten and passed to the job. These variables give the application all typical information about a job it can be interested in, e.g. the amount of assigned resources. In case of parallel application an appropriate machine file is created with a list of resources for each job.


For the SLURM scheduling system, an execution environment for a single job contains the following set of variables:

  • SLURM_NNODES - a number of nodes
  • SLURM_NODELIST - a list of nodes separated by the comma
  • SLURM_NPROCS - a number of cores
  • SLURM_NTASKS_PER_NODE - a number of cores on every node listed in SLURM_NODELIST separated by the comma,


To unify the execution environment regardless of the queuing system a set of variables independent from a queuing system is passed to the individual job:

  • QCG_PM_NNODES - a number of nodes
  • QCG_PM_NODELIST- a list of nodes separated by the comma
  • QCG_PM_NPROCS - a number of cores
  • QCG_PM_STEP_ID - a unique identifier of a job (generated by QCG PilotJob Manager)
  • QCG_PM_TASKS_PER_NODE - a number of cores on every node listed in QCG_PM_NODELIST separated by the comma
  • QCG_PM_ZMQ_ADDRESS - an address of the network interface of QCG PilotJob Manager (if enabled)


The "File" interface allows a static sequence of commands (called requests) to be read from a file and performed by the system.


The request file is a JSON format file containing a sequence of commands (requests). The file must be staged into the working directory of the QCG PilotJob Manager job and passed as an argument of this job invocation. The requests are read in an order they are placed in the file. In the file mode, QCG PilotJob Manager outputs all responses to the log file.

REQUESTS (Commands)

The request is a JSON dictionary with the request key containing a request command. The additional data format depends on a specific request command. The following commands are currently supported:

submit Command

Submit a list of jobs to be processed by the system. The jobs key must contain a list of formalised descriptions of jobs.

Job description format

The Job description is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • name (required) String - job name, must be unique

  • iterate (optional) Array of Number - defines a loop for iterative jobs, the two element array with the start and stop index; the total number of iterations will be stop_index - start_index (the last index of the sub-job will be stop_index - 1)

  • execution (required) Dict - execution description with the following keys:

    • exec (required) String - executable name (if available in $PATH) or absolute path to the executable,
    • args (optional) Array of String - list of arguments that will be passed to the executable,
    • env (optional) Dict (String: String) - environment variables that will be appended to the execution environment,
    • wd (optional) String - a working directory, if not defined the working directory (current directory) of QCG PilotJob Manager will be used. If the path is not absolute it is relative to the QCG PilotJob Manager working directory. If the directory pointed by the path does not exist, it is created before the job starts.
    • stdin, stdout, stderr (optional) String - path to the standard input , standard output and standard error files respectively.
  • resources (optional) Dict - resource requirements, a dictionary with the following keys:

    • numCores (optional) Dict - number of cores,

    • numNodes (optional) Dict- number of nodes, The specification of numCores/numNodes elements may contain the following keys:

      • exact (optional) Number - the exact number of cores,
      • min (optional) Number - minimal number of cores,
      • max (optional) Number - maximal number of cores, (the exact and min / max are mutually exclusive)

      If resources is not defined, the numCores with exact set to 1 is taken as the default value.

      The numCores element without numNodes specifies requested number of cores on any number of nodes. The same element used along with the numNodes determines the number of cores on each requested node.

      Both elements, numCores and numNodes, may contain special, optional key split-into Number along with min key. The purpose of this element is to split total number of nodes/cores into smaller chunks for a single job. The quotient of a total number of available cores/nodes by the split-into value means number of requested cores/nodes per single chunk. The min keyword restricts number of requested resources to the range:

      < min, Total_Num / split-into >

  • dependencies (optional) Dict - a dictionary with the following items:

    • after (required) Array of String - list of names of jobs that must finish before the job can be executed. Only when all listed jobs finish (with SUCCESS) the current job is taken into consideration by the scheduler and can be executed.
Job description variables

The job description may contain variables in the format:

${ variable-name }

which are replaced with appropriate values by QCG PilotJob Manager.

The following set of variables is supported during a request validation:

  • rcnt - a request counter that is incremented with every request (for iterative sub-jobs the value of this variable is the same)
  • uniq - a unique identifier of each request (each iterative sub-job has its own unique identifier)
  • sname - a local cluster name
  • date - a date when the request was received
  • time - a time when the request was received
  • dateTime - date and time when the request was received
  • it - an index of a current sub-job (only for iterative jobs)
  • its - a number of iterations (only for iterative jobs)
  • it_start - a start index of iterations (only for iterative jobs)
  • it_stop - a stop index of iterations (only for iterative jobs)
  • jname - a final job name after substitution of all other used variables to their values

The following variables are handled when resources has been already allocated and before the start of job execution:

  • root_wd - a working directory of QCG PilotJob Manager, the parent directory for all relative job's working directories
  • ncores - a number of allocated cores for the job
  • nnodes - a number of allocated nodes for the job
  • nlist - a list of nodes allocated for the job separated by the comma

The sample submit job request is presented below:

    "request": "submit",
    "jobs": [
        "name": "msleep2",
        "execution": {
          "exec": "/bin/sleep",
          "args": [
          "env": {},
          "wd": "sleep.sandbox",
          "stdout": "sleep2.${ncores}.${nnodes}.stdout",
          "stderr": "sleep2.${ncores}.${nnodes}.stderr"
        "resources": {
          "numCores": {
            "exact": 2

The example response is presented below:

  "code": 0,
  "message": "2 jobs submitted",
  "data": {
    "jobs": [
    "submitted": 2

listJobs Command

Return a list of registered jobs. No additional arguments are needed. The example list jobs request is presented below:

	"request": "listJobs"

The example response is presented below:

  "data": {
    "jobs": {
      "msleep2": {
        "status": "EXECUTING"
      "echo": {
        "status": "EXECUTING"
      "env_1": {
        "status": "EXECUTING"
    "length": 3
  "code": 0

jobStatus Command

Report current status of a given jobs. The jobNames key must contain a list of job names for which status should be reported. A single job may be in one of the following states:

  • QUEUED - a job was submitted but there are no enough available resources
  • EXECUTING - a job is currently executed
  • SUCCEED - a finished with 0 exit code
  • FAILED - a job could not be started (for example there is no executable) or a job finished with non-zero exit code or a requested amount of resources exceeds a total amount of resources,
  • CANCELED - a job has been cancelled either by a user or by a system
  • OMITTED - a job will never be executed due to the dependencies (a job which this job depends on failed or was cancelled).

The example job status request is presented below:

    "request": "jobStatus",
    "jobNames": [ "msleep2", "echo" ]

The example response is presented below:

  "data": {
    "jobs": {
      "msleep2": {
        "status": 0,
        "data": {
          "jobName": "msleep2",
          "status": "EXECUTING"
      "echo": {
        "status": 0,
        "data": {
          "jobName": "echo",
          "status": "EXECUTING"
  "code": 0

The status key at the top, job's level contains numeric code that represents the operation return code - 0 means success, where other values means problem with obtaining job's status (e.g. due to the missing job name).

jobInfo Command

Report detailed information about jobs. The jobNames key must contain a list of job names for which information should be reported. The example job status request is presented below:

    "request": "jobInfo",
    "jobNames": [ "msleep2", "echo" ]

The example response is presented below:

  "data": {
    "jobs": {
      "msleep2": {
        "status": 0,
        "data": {
          "history": "\n2018-03-14 14:51:05.115960: QUEUED\n2018-03-14 14:51:05.116719: EXECUTING",
          "jobName": "msleep2",
          "runtime": {
            "allocation": "e0128:1",
            "wd": "/home/plgrid/plgkopta/qcg-pilotmanager/qcg-pilotmanager"
          "status": "EXECUTING"
      "echo": {
        "status": 0,
        "data": {
          "history": "\n2018-03-14 14:51:05.116166: QUEUED\n2018-03-14 14:51:05.117643: EXECUTING",
          "jobName": "echo",
          "runtime": {
            "allocation": "e0128:1",
            "wd": "/home/plgrid/plgkopta/qcg-pilotmanager/qcg-pilotmanager"
          "status": "EXECUTING"
  "code": 0

control Command

Controls behaviour of QCG PilotJob Manager. The specific command must be placed in thecommand key. Currently the following commands are supported:

  • finishAfterAllTasksDone This command tells QCG PilotJob Manager to wait until all submitted jobs finish. By default, in the file mode, the QCG PilotJob Manager application finishes as soon as all requests are read from the request file.

The sample control command request is presented below:

    "request": "control",
    "command": "finishAfterAllTasksDone"

cancelJob Command

Cancel a job with a name specified in the jobName key. Currently not supported. The example cancel job request is presented below:

    "request": "cancelJob",
    "jobName": "msleep2"

removeJob Command

Remove a job from the registry. The name of a job to be removed must be placed in the jobName key. This request can be used in case when there is a need to submit another job with the same name - because all the job names must be unique a new job cannot be submitted with the same name unless the previous one is removed from the registry. The example remove job request is presented below:

    "request": "removeJob",
    "jobNames": [ "msleep2", "echo" ]

The example response is presented below:

  "data": {
    "removed": 2
  "code": 0

resourcesInfo Command

Return current usage of resources. The information about a number of available and used nodes/cores is reported. No additional arguments are needed. The example resources info request is presented below:

        "request": "resourcesInfo"

The example response is presented below:

  "data": {
    "totalCores": 8,
    "totalNodes": 1,
    "usedCores": 2,
    "freeCores": 6
  "code": 0

finish Command

Finish the QCG PilotJob Manager application immediately. The jobs being currently executed are killed. No additional arguments are needed. The example finish command request is presented below:

        "request": "finish"


QCG PilotJob Manager creates the following files in a working directory:

  • service.log - containing service logs, very useful to debug service and jobs execution
  • - holding information about all finished (with success or failure) jobs along with the details on status, scheduled nodes/cores, working directory and wall time; the sample content is presented below:
 msleep2 (SUCCEED)
    2018-01-11 16:02:27.740711: QUEUED
    2018-01-11 16:02:27.741276: EXECUTING
    2018-01-11 16:02:33.832568: SUCCEED
    allocation: e0003:2
    wd: /home/plgrid/plgkopta/qcg-pilotmanager-tests/sandbox/sleep2.sandbox
    rtime: 0:00:06.082136


The current implementation of the QCG PilotJob Manager service is based on Python 3. Due to the fact that all jobs controlled by the Manger inherit an environment, the default version of Python for all jobs is also v3. In situation where different version of Python is required by a job, the Python module should be changed in a job's script.


The QCG PilotJob Manager service is executed as a regular job in a queuing system. It exploits a single system allocation for itself and all jobs it controls. For the user convenience, the service has been registered as QCG application (currently only on cluster Eagle @ PSNC) under the name qcg-pm. The only and required argument for this application is the name (path) of the requests file. The example script (in QCG Simple description format) is presented below:

    #QCG host=eagle
    #QCG note=QCG PM bac16
    #QCG output=${JOB_ID}.output
    #QCG error=${JOB_ID}.error
    #QCG stage-in-file=bac16.json
    #QCG stage-in-file=bac-16-input.tgz
    #QCG stage-out-dir=.->out/eagle-pm-bac16-${JOB_ID}
    #QCG preprocess=tar --strip-components=1 -x -z -f bac-16-input.tgz
    #QCG nodes=4:28
    #QCG queue=fast
    #QCG walltime=PT60M
    #QCG grant=compatpsnc2
    #QCG application=qcg-pm
    #QCG argument=bac16.json

In the presented example the job requires 4 nodes (28 cores each), a set of input files is staged into the working directory (the bac16.json file is the request file containing jobs descriptions). The name of this file is the only argument for the QCG PilotJob Manager application.

In the bac16.json we define the following requests (commands):

    "request": "submit",
    "jobs": [
        "name": "namd_bac16_${it}",
        "iterate": [ 1, 17 ],
        "execution": {
          "exec": "bash",
          "args": [ "${root_wd}/", "${it}" ],
          "stdout": "logs/${jname}.stdout",
          "stderr": "logs/${jname}.stderr"
        "resources": {
          "numNodes": {
                "min": 1,
                "max": 2
        "name": "amber_bac16_${it}",
        "iterate": [ 1, 17 ],
        "execution": {
          "exec": "bash",
          "args": [ "${root_wd}/", "${it}" ],
          "stdout": "logs/${jname}.stdout",
          "stderr": "logs/${jname}.stderr"
        "resources": {
          "numCores": {
                "exact": 4
        "dependencies": {
          "after": [ "namd_bac16_${it}" ]
    "request": "control",
    "command": "finishAfterAllTasksDone"

The file contains two request: submit jobs and control ones. The submit request defines two iterative jobs. Each iteration of the second job (amber) depends on the corresponding iteration of the first sub-job (namd). The control request is used to tell the Manager to finish after all jobs will be handled and finished (with any result).


QCG PilotJob Manager provides a client side Python API which allows users to dynamically control the instance of the Pilot Job and all its jobs. To avoid communication issues, we assume that the user's program (Application Controller) that refers via API to the QCG PilotJob Manager is run inside an allocation as one of the jobs. The communication is done through the network interface provided by QCG PilotJob Manager. The Python API is provided in the qcg.appscheduler.api package.


The qcg.appscheduler.api.Manager class is the main actor of the API. This class is responsible for the initialisation of the client and handles communication with a single instance of QCG PilotJob Manager. The class provides interface for:

  • determining the resources status (the resources method)
  • job submission (the submit method),
  • listing all jobs (the list method),
  • obtaining the current status of jobs (the status method),
  • obtaining the detailed information about jobs (the info method),
  • removing jobs (the remove method),
  • synchronisation of the job execution (the wait4 method).


def __init__(address = None, cfg = { })

To its proper work, the Manager class needs to know the address of the QCG PilotJob Manager instance. In case where the client application is run as one of jobs in QCG PilotJob Manager this address is stored in the QCG_PM_ZMQ_ADDRESS environment variable, and is automatically used by the API when it was not provided explicitly.

During the initialisation of the Manager class the user can specify some variables that configure behaviour of the class. Currently the following configuration keys are supported:

  • poll_delay - a delay in seconds between successive updates of the job status in the wait method,
  • log_file - a location of the log file
  • log_level - a logging level (e.g. DEBUG); by default the logging level is set to INFO. Levels allowed and supported so far are: DEBUG and INFO.


        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.
def resources()

This method returns information about current status of resources available (allocated) in QCG PilotJob Manager. The output format is described in this section


    Submit jobs.

        jobs (qcg.appscheduler.api.Jobs) - a list of job descriptions

        list - a list of names (identifiers) of submitted jobs

        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.

	def submit(jobs)

Submit a list of jobs. The jobs to be submitted are stored in a Jobs object. In case of success the list of names (identifiers) of submitted jobs is returned. The returned list can be used in other methods for example to get actual statuses of jobs or to synchronise their execution.


    Validates and adds a new job description in a simple format to the group of jobs.
    If both arguments are present, they are merged and processed as a single dictionary.

        dAttrs (dict) - simple format attributes as a dictionary
        attrs (dict) - simple format attributes as a named arguments

        InvalidJobDescriptionError - in case of non-unique job name or invalid job description
    def add(self, dAttrs = None, **attrs)
    Validates and adds a new job description in a standard format (acceptable to the QCG PJM) to the group.
    If both arguments are present, they are merged and processed as a single dictionary.

        dAttrs (dict) - standard format attributes as a dictionary
        stdAttrs (dict) - standard format attributes as a named arguments

        InvalidJobDescriptionError - in case of non-unique job name or invalid job description

    def addStd(self, dAttrs = None, **stdAttrs)
    Remove a job from the group.

        name (str) - name of the job to be removed

        JobNotDefinedError - in case of lack in a group of a job with the given name
    def remove(self, name)
    Read job descriptions (in a standard format acceptable to the QCG-PJM) from a JSON file 

        filePath (str) - path to the file containing job descriptions in a standard format

        InvalidJobDescriptionError - in case of invalid job description
    def loadFromFile(self, filePath)
    Save job list to a file in a JSON format.

        filePath (str) - path to the destination file

        FileError - in case of problems with opening / writing output file.
    def saveToFile(self, filePath)

The Jobs object holds a list of job descriptions. The names of jobs must be unique. The jobs can be described in a format presented in this section, as well as in a simplified one. The main difference between formats is that the simplified one has a more flat structure, where execution and resources elements have been moved to the top level. The next difference is that the dependencies section, has been simplified and replaced with the after element, that contains a list of ancestor jobs.

The simplified job description format contains the following keys:

  • name (required - True, allowed types - str) - a job's name,
  • exec (required - True, allowed types - str) - a path to the executable,
  • args (required - False, allowed types - list, str) - an argument or a list of arguments,
  • stdin (required - False, allowed types - str) - a path to the standard input file,
  • stdout (required - False, allowed types - str) - a path to the standard output file,
  • stderr (required - False, allowed types - str) - a path to the standard error file,
  • wd (required - False, allowed types - str) - a path to the working directory,
  • numNodes (required - False, allowed types - dict) - number of nodes requirements (described in section),
  • numCores (required - False, allowed types - dict) - number of cores requirements (described in section),
  • wt (required - False, allowed types - str) - a wall-time specification,
  • iterate (required - False, allowed types - list) - a list describing iterations, it should contain two or three elements: start iteration, end iteration and optionally, the step iteration,
  • after (required - False, allowed types - list, str) - a list of (or single entry) of tasks that should finish before current one starts.


    List all the jobs.
    Return a list of all job names along with their statuses.

        list - list of jobs with additional data in format described in 'listJobs' method in QCG PJM.

        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.
    def list(self)

This method returns a list of all submitted and registered (not yet removed) jobs from the QCG PilotJob Manager instance along with their statuses. The output format is described in.


    Return current statuses of the given jobs.

        names (list, str) - list of job names

        list - a list of job statuses in the format described in 'jobStatus' method of QCG PJM.

        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.
    def status(self, names)

This method returns a statuses of the given jobs. The output format is described in.


    Return detailed information about the given jobs.

        names (list, str) - a list of job names

        list - a list of job's detailed information in the format described in 'jobStatus' method of
          QCG PJM.

        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.
    def info(self, names)

The info method returns detailed information about specified jobs. The output format is described in.


    Remove jobs from registry.

        names (list, str) - a list of job names

        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.
    def remove(self, names)

The remove method removes specified jobs from the registry of QCG PilotJob Manager. The output format is described in.


    Wait until the given jobs finish.
    This method waits until all specified jobs finish its execution (successfully or not).
    The QCG PJM is periodically polled about statuses of not finished jobs. The poll interval (2 sec by
    default) can be changed by defining a 'poll_delay' key with appropriate value (in seconds) in
    configuration of constructor.

        names (list, str) - a list of job names

        dict - a map with job names and their terminal statuses

        InternalError - in case of request processing internal error
        ConnectionError - in case of lack of connection to the service or nonzero response code.
    def wait4(self, names)

The wait4 method synchronises the execution of jobs - it waits (blocks) until all specified jobs are completed. The example output returned by the method is presented below:

   "msleep2": "SUCCEED",
   "echo": "SUCCEED"


An example user program utilising the QCG PilotJob Manager API is presented below:

import zmq

from qcg.appscheduler.api.manager import Manager
from qcg.appscheduler.api.job import Jobs

# switch on debugging (by default in api.log file)
m = Manager( cfg = { 'log_level': 'DEBUG' } )

# get available resources
print("available resources:\n%s\n" % str(m.resources()))

# submit jobs and save their names in 'ids' list
ids = m.submit(Jobs().
        add( name= 'host', exec = '/bin/hostname', args = [ '--fqdn' ], stdout = 'host.stdout' ).
        add( name = 'env', exec = '/bin/env', stdout = 'env.stdout', numCores = { 'exact': 2 } )

# list submited jobs
print("submited jobs:\n%s\n" % str(m.list()))

# wait until submited jobs finish

# get detailed information about submited and finished jobs
print("jobs details:\n%s\n" % str(

Running with QCG

The QCG instance available at the Eagle cluster contains registered application qcg-pm-client. As a single argument, the application requires a user's Python application. During the execution of user's application, the environment is setup with the required Python compiler (version 3.5) as well as all needed modules (qcg.appscheduler.api). An example QCG job description is presented below:

#QCG note=pjm-client

#QCG host=eagle
#QCG walltime=PT1H
#QCG nodes=1:28

#QCG stage-out-dir=.->eagle.wd.${JOB_ID}

#QCG application=qcg-pm-client

In this case, the program from the file will be executed in a QCG PilotJob Manager environment.


  • Scheduling system - a service that controls and schedules access to the fixed set of computational resources (aka. queuing system, workload manager, resource management system). The current implementation of QCG Pilot Job supports SLURM cluster management and job scheduling system.
  • Job - a sequential or parallel program with defined resource requirements
  • Job array - a mechanism that allows to submit a set of jobs with the same resource requirements to the scheduling system at once; commonly used in parameter sweep scenarios
  • Allocation - a set of resources allocated by the scheduling system for a specific time period; resources assigned to an allocation are static and do not change in time
  • QCG PilotJob Manager - a service started inside a scheduling system allocation that schedules and controls execution of jobs on the same allocation
  • QCG PilotJob Manager API - an interface in the form of Python module that provides communication with the QCG PilotJob Manager
  • Application Controller - a user's program run as one of jobs inside QCG PilotJob Manager that, using the QCG PilotJob Manager API, dynamically submits and synchronizes new jobs


The QCG Pilot Job service for execution of many computing tasks inside one allocation



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