Iteration 10
The tenth iteration of the “Tutify” app consists of adding new functionalities to our app. We added the ability for student to view notifications from their tutors. This is shown with the addition of a bell icon on the top right corner of the application. A new notification is triggered for a student if there is a new calendar event scheduled for them or if a tutor shares a new document to them or to one of their classes. Another feature that has been added is the forget password and the ability to reset the password if the user has forgotten the password. The user would receive an email with the reset link and they would be able to reset their password with the link provided.
Finally, another feature that was added to our application was the ability for tutors to add videos to the application and have personalized video pages for each of the courses they teach. The videos added would be added and the videos would appear on the page and would be playable directly on the application. We also did more research into how to implement the whiteboard feature for iteration 11.