This repository is for component developers.
It's the root project and contains all modules which you need to build component.
git clone
git submodule update --init
git submodule foreach git checkout master
To clean the node_modules of all modules run
./ clean-node_modules
If you want to re-npm-link run again: ./
To update all submodules run: git submodule update --remote --rebase
It's important to use --rebase
otherwise you get a detached HEAD problem.
You still need to update the root project wiht git pull
, especially before you want to update the submodule reference.
If you make changes in mutliple modules you can just type git status
but this shows you only if a submodule has changed (via SHA) not the changed files in each submodule.
You may want to use git submodule foreach git status
or any other combination with submodule foreach
. Here some useful examples:
git submodule foreach git status -s
git submodule foreach git diff
If you want to commit your changes, you need to commit them first wihtin each submodule. At the end you can commit the references within the root project.
For more information visit git submodules tips
You should use node 0.11, to avoid build steps for all the modules.
Find out where your npm symlinks were created: which component
, the result could looks like: /usr/local/share/npm/bin/component
. Use this path to run node with the harmony flag:
node --harmony /usr/local/share/npm/bin/component-build
You can debug component with node-inspector:
node-debug --nodejs --harmony /usr/local/share/npm/bin/component-build
To create a breakpoint just write debugger
in the source code where you want to pause.