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Python script for pureqml apps deploying on SmartTV. You can also run Bash version of the script from the corresponded branch.

Supported platforms

  • LG WebOS
  • LG NetCast
  • Samsung Tizen
  • Samsung Orsay
  • AndroidTV

Quick start

Place script in your PureQML project root (or use symbol link). Your project must contain the .manifest file. Run the script:


TARGET_PLATFORM - platform you wont to deploy possible values are webos|netcast|tizen|orsay|androidtv JOBS_COUNT - optional flag j declares jobs count, to increase speed of the qmlcore/build script -m - flag to minify build

Platform specific deployment

Each platform has some features during deploy


To install app on WebOS Smart TV you need to install WebOS SDK (at least CLI). Than you must enable developer mode on your TV for details see this link.

After configuring TV run the script:

./ -p webos -t tvName

tvName - name of TV which you've set in ares-setup-device

LG NetCast

Run the script:

./ -p netcast

After deploying all files will be archived in zip file in build.netcast/<title>_<version>.zip where

  • title - is app title from .manifest if it wasn't declared it will be called app by default
  • version - app version from the manifest or 1.0.0 if it wasn't defined

Follow this steps to install your app zip file on your TV:

  • subscribe app zip file on corresponded LG site
  • download subscribed archive and unzip it on USB storage in special directory (you should create it first) ./lgapps/installed/
  • stick USB storage in your Smart TV and open "My Apps" there and find your app in USB part, for more details see this guide

Samsung Tizen

To deploy tuzen projects you need Tizen Studio to install. Then you must generate certificate or add existed with tizen certificate manager. After that configure path to tizen-studio profiles:

tizen cli-config -g profiles.path='/home/username/tizen-workspace/.metadata/.plugins/org.tizen.common.sign/profiles.xml'

To deploy your app on TV you need to connect to it first via sdb. For example if your TV IP address is the considered command will be sdb connect

Now you must figure out your TV name. You can get it from available devices list via command:sdb devices

Then you need to add an security profile:

tizen security-profiles add -n MyProfile -a /home/username/tizen-studio-data/keystore/author/mycert.p12 -p 1234"

There 1234 is your certificate password" If you've done all this steps correctly you can now pass in --tizen-profile or -tp flag your profile name: MyProfile in our example

Finally we can build our project:

./ -p tizen --tizen-profile <PROFILE> --tv <TV_NAME>


  • PROFILE - is profile name like MyProfile in example below
  • TV_NAME - TV name from sdb devices

Samsung Orsay

Run the script:

./ -p orsay

After deploying all files will be archived in zip file in <title>_<version>.zip where

  • title - is app title from .manifest if it wasn't declared it will be called app by default
  • version - app version from the manifest or 1.0.0 if it wasn't defined

To run the app on your SmartTV just unzip archive in USB storage and stick it in your TV and open your app in 'My Apps'


To build android projects you need to install cordova first. Then run the script:

./ -p androidtv

The result apk file will be located in path: ./build.androidtv/<your_app_title>/platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/debug/android-debug.apk where

  • your_app_title - your app title from .manifest file

AndroidTV (native)

To build the native android project run this command:

./ -p androidnative

The result apk file will be located here: ./build.pure.femto.%s/app/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk


To build iOS projects you need to install cordova first. Then run the script:

./ -p ios


To build electron.js project you need npm installed and run this script with this flags:

./ -p electronjs

The result app will be in ./build.electronjs directory and it will be builded and run with npm. To build app for target OS (Linux, MacOS or Windows) follow correspnded steps below:

1. Windows

To build windows runnable exe file run command with this parameters:

./ -p electronjs -os windows

The result electron_win app directory will be created to run result app call app.exe there

2. MacOS

To create MacOS executable file run this command:

./ -p electronjs -os macos

The result electron_macos app directory will be created. Executable file location is electron_macos/


Script to deploy PureQML apps on SmartTV






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