A Clojure library designed to simulate operations on pixmaps. Note that the pixmaps are represented by vectors
of vectors, which means in the code the coordinates are reversed to allow use of things like get-in
The following are required to run this tool:
(require '[pixels.core])
Create a new image:
(def image (I 3 4))
=> [["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "O" "O"]]
Colour a pixel:
(L image 2 2 "X")
=> [["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "X" "O"] ["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "O" "O"]]
Paint a vertical segment:
(V image 3 2 4 "X")
=> [["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "O" "X"] ["O" "O" "X"] ["O" "O" "X"]]
Paint a horizontal segment:
(H image 1 3 2 "X")
=> [["O" "O" "O"] ["X" "X" "X"] ["O" "O" "O"] ["O" "O" "O"]]
Flood fill a region:
(def question-mark [["X" "X" "X"]
["X" "O" "X"]
["O" "X" "X"]
["O" "X" "O"]])
(F question-mark 2 3 "I")
=> [["I" "I" "I"] ["I" "O" "I"] ["O" "I" "I"] ["O" "I" "O"]]
Tests are written using Midje
lein midje
Copyright © 2015 Conan Cook