This sample is a totally useless but kinda cute demonstration of the iOS5 iCloud Key-Value Storage feature.
NOTE: you need at least two devices with the same App Store login to play.
iCloud Key-Value Storage lets your code share a collection of key-value pairs across all devices registered with the same App Store login. That's why it is called chat2_self_.
To set it up on your system you'll need to configure the BundleId, Provisioning Profile, and Entitlements.plist (with your TeamId) so that iCloud will work.
Each time you enter a message, it is saved to the local Key-Value storage collection. iOS then decides when to synchronize that key with iCloud. Other devices similarly decide when to synchronise their local iCloud key-value storage, and when they detect new values they trigger a notification that causes the latest value of each key to be displayed in the message list.
You - the developer - has NO control over the timing of iCloud synchronisation. Using this app will give you some idea of the latency between devices updating their iCloud storage for small values.
This app uses Miguel de Icaza's bubble-chat rendering sample using MonoTouch.Dialog and a custom ChatBubble element.