This is an IDP you can run locally that works for single sign-on with Concord.
Derived from the great work done here:
If you have any issues not mentioned in this doc, see their documentation which will be more helpful.
You will need to get your local instance's metadata.xml. To do so, in the Nego-App project:
1- Uncomment the line in src/main/resources/
containing saml.entityId
and set a proper entityId (firstname.lastname for instance).
You should have something like:
## Saml
#Uncomment following line and set up your entityId for a local use of SAML
2- Run the dev-proxy and npm run serve in the concord-app-front project.
3- Run concord-ws and download the file at http://localhost/contract-live/saml/metadata.
We'll now call this file concord-metadata.xml
4- Have an ENTERPRISE_2 organization (have the organization ID ready for later steps).
In this project:
1- In folder idp/shibboleth-idp/metadata/
, overwrite the local file concord-metadata.xml
with the concord-metadata.xml
you downloaded earlier.
You can also give it another name instead of overwriting it,
but if you do you need to report that name in idp/shibboleth-idp/conf/metadata-providers.xml
on the line with <MetadataProvider id="LocalMetadata"
You would then have:
<MetadataProvider id="LocalMetadata" xsi:type="FilesystemMetadataProvider" metadataFile="%{idp.home}/metadata/concord-metadata.xml"/>
2- By default, the email domain is
If you wish to test your SSO with a different email domain, then edit ldap/users.ldif
file, where the user emails are defined.
You can also add users there if you wish.
If you want to add users, you can copy an existing user, but you have to change both uid
fields and the mail
dn: uid=newuser,ou=People,dc=idptestbed
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
givenName: St
uid: newuser
sn: aff
cn: St aff
userPassword: password
3- Build with docker-compose build
(it's easier to use the command line than Intellij)
If you run into this error:
Step 8/14 : RUN pear install -Z CAS-1.3.4.tgz && rm /CAS-1.3.4.tgz
---> Running in e305cfec6438
could not extract the package.xml file from "CAS-1.3.4.tgz"
install failed
ERROR: Service 'php-cas' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c pear install -Z CAS-1.3.4.tgz && rm /CAS-1.3.4.tgz' returned a non-zero code: 1
You may just remove RUN pear install -Z CAS-1.3.4.tgz && rm /CAS-1.3.4.tgz
from php-cas/Dockerfile
It will not affect SAML test bench
4- Run with docker-compose up
(append -d
for daemon mode)
5- (Only once) Add your Docker Host IP to /etc/hosts
. To do that, add the following line:
You can find your Docker Host IP by running:
docker inspect -f '{{(index .NetworkSettings.Networks "dockerized-idp-testbed_front").IPAddress}}' dockerized-idp-testbed_httpd-proxy_1
6- Go to https://idptestbed/
and accept the invalid SSL certificate.
You should be able to login, into the simpleSAML service with one of the users in ldap/users.ldif
using the uid
and userPassword
from that file.
docker-compose build --no-cache
to build the images once more.
The IDP metadata file can be found in idp/shibboleth-idp/metadata/idp-metadata.xml
We'll now call this file idp-metadata.xml
In the project operations you can find the scripts to setup NegoApp in templates/enable_sso
We'll assume the following:
1- The organization_id you found earlier (in step Have an ENTERPRISE_2 organization
) is 1234
2- The idp_metadata file is called idp-metadata.xml
3- The auth token you get from your app is 1a2b3cxx88...55t
(it should be longer)
You need to get the project on your computer, edit the files and run the scripts:
1- Copy idp-metadata.xml
in the folder concordnow/operations/templates/enable_sso
2- In
2.1- set the
field with the organization_id you found earlier (in stepHave an ENTERPRISE_2 organization
2.2- set the
2.3- edit the TWO curl requests from
->curl --request POST "http://localhost/contract-live/api/rest/1/........" \
2.4- edit
--form "metadata=
with your idp_metadata file ->--form "metadata=@idp-metadata.xml" \
2.5- edit the
field with your auth token (you can get this by connecting to an account, look at the network requests) ->AUTH="1a2b3cxx88...55t"
Note: Make sure your user has the ROLE_TECH
in user.granted_authorities
(comma-separated list of special roles)
Note: You could probably use an API-KEY instead of the AUTH
field, but I'll let you figure that out yourselves.
3- In body_first_name_last_name.json
By default, you should set it like this:
"emailDomain": "",
"idp": "https://idptestbed/idp/shibboleth",
"ppid": "urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1",
"firstName": "urn:oid:",
"lastName": "urn:oid:"
If you changed the emailDomain earlier, change it here as well.
The attributes sent (ppid
, firstName
and lastName
), as defined above, are for a basic setup.
If you are testing for specific attributes, the attributes sent are listed in the attribute-filter.xml
The actual attribute names sent are themselves defined in the attribute-resolver.xml
4- Rename body_first_name_last_name.json
to body.json
(or change the --data @body.json \
field in
5- Execute the query 1_before.sql
to make sure the saml_integration data is NULL.
6- Execute the script
7- Execute the query 3_after.sql
to make sure the script worked.
8- Restart NegoApp.
9-Login via SSO using a
email address. You should be redirected to the IDP.
Login with uid
and userPassword
defined in ldap/users.ldif
Accept to release all attributes when you reach this page
Congratulations! You logged in via SSO using a locally running IDP!
You can change attribute names sent to Concord by editing idp/shibboleth-idp/conf/attribute-resolver.xml
. Choose one of the attributes sent
and change the name on the line with xsi:type="enc:SAML2String"
. Example: you could change the surname to be sent as surname
instead of urn:oid:
by replacing
<resolver:AttributeEncoder xsi:type="enc:SAML2String" name="urn:oid:" friendlyName="sn" encodeType="false" />
You can change the way the NameId is built by changing the saml-nameid.xml.
There is a bean declaration of SAML2NameIDGenerators
and the NameId construction is specified
at line 37 with p:attributeSourceIds="#{ {'mail'} }"
To have an empty NameId, change it to:
p:attributeSourceIds="#{ '' }"
To have a NameId that is not the email but the uid, change it to:
p:attributeSourceIds="#{ {'uid'} }"
I did not test, but I believe you could build whatever NameId you need based on users properties from users.ldif.
You will need to rebuild the project to take this changes in account.
<resolver:AttributeEncoder xsi:type="enc:SAML2String" name="surname" friendlyName="sn" encodeType="false" />
After doing so, you will need to rebuild the project:
docker-compose down
docker-compose up --build
You will need to edit your metadata by changing the AuthnRequestsSigned
to `"false"``.
You will then need to edit the index.php file and change alexis.vanacker
to your Concord-WS's entity ID.
Rebuild the project. Go to https://idptestbed/ and login using the Simple SAML PHP app. The ugly page has a link IDP-init that will lead to a Concord login.
- webapp to add/edit/remove users easily
- webapp to add your local instance's metadata and declare it as an SP easily