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Concourse Pipeline Resource (DEPRECATED)

This resource is deprecated in favor of the set_pipeline step. No new versions will be released.

If there are limitations to the set_pipeline step that don't let you switch to it right now, please let us know in concourse/rfcs#31

Get and set concourse pipelines from concourse.


Use this resource by adding the following to the resource_types section of a pipeline config:

- name: concourse-pipeline
  type: docker-image
    repository: concourse/concourse-pipeline-resource

See concourse docs for more details on adding resource_types to a pipeline config.

Source configuration

Check returns the versions of all pipelines. Configure as follows:

- name: my-pipelines
  type: concourse-pipeline
    insecure: "false"
    - name: team-1
      username: some-user
      password: some-password
    - name: team-2
      username: other-user
      password: other-password
  • target: Optional. URL of your concourse instance e.g. If not specified, the resource defaults to the ATC_EXTERNAL_URL environment variable, meaning it will always target the same concourse that created the container.

  • insecure: Optional. Connect to Concourse insecurely - i.e. skip SSL validation. Must be a boolean-parseable string. Defaults to "false" if not provided.

  • teams: Required. At least one team must be provided, with the following parameters:

    • name: Required. Name of team. Equivalent of -n team-name in fly login command.

    • username: Basic auth username for logging in to the team. If this and password are blank, team must have no authentication configured.

    • password: Basic auth password for logging in to the team. If this and username are blank, team must have no authentication configured.

in: Get the configuration of the pipelines

Get the config for each pipeline; write it to the local working directory (e.g. /tmp/build/get) with the filename derived from the pipeline name and team name.

For example, if there are two pipelines foo and bar belonging to team-1 and team-2 respectively, the config for the first will be written to team-1-foo.yml and the second to team-2-bar.yml.

- name: my-pipelines
  type: concourse-pipeline
  source: ...

- name: download-my-pipelines
  - get: my-pipelines

out: Set the configuration of the pipelines

Set the configuration for each pipeline provided in the params section.

Configuration can be either static or dynamic. Static configuration has the configuration fixed in the pipeline config file, whereas dynamic configuration reads the pipeline configuration from the provided file.

One of either static or dynamic configuration must be provided; using both is not allowed.


- name: my-pipelines
  type: concourse-pipeline
    - name: team-1

- name: set-my-pipelines
  - put: my-pipelines
      - name: my-pipeline
        team: team-1
        config_file: path/to/config/file
        - path/to/optional/vars/file/1
        - path/to/optional/vars/file/2
          my_var: "foo"
          my_complex_var: {abc: 123}
  • pipelines: Required. Array of pipelines to configure. Must be non-nil and non-empty. The structure of the pipeline object is as follows:
  • name: Required. Name of pipeline to be configured. Equivalent of -p my-pipeline-name in fly set-pipeline command.

  • team: Required. Name of the team to which the pipeline belongs. Equivalent of -n my-team in fly login command. Must match one of the teams provided in source.

  • config_file: Required. Location of config file. Equivalent of -c some-config-file.yml in fly set-pipeline command.

  • vars_files: Optional. Array of strings corresponding to files containing variables to be interpolated via {{ }} in config_file. Equivalent of -l some-vars-file.yml in fly set-pipeline command.

  • vars: Optional. Map of keys and values corresponding to variables to be interpolated via (( )) in config_file. Values can arbitrary YAML types. Equivalent of -y "foo=bar" in fly set-pipeline command.

  • unpaused: Optional. Boolean specifying if the pipeline should be unpaused after the creation. If it is set to true, the command unpause-pipeline will be executed for the specific pipeline.

  • exposed: Optional. Boolean specifying if the pipeline should be exposed after the creation. If it is set to true, the command expose-pipeline will be executed for the specific pipeline.


Resource configuration as above for Check, with the following job configuration:

- name: set-my-pipelines
  - put: my-pipelines
      pipelines_file: path/to/pipelines/file
  • pipelines_file: Required. Path to dynamic configuration file. The contents of this file should have the same structure as the static configuration above, but in a file.



  • golang is required - version 1.13.x is tested; earlier versions may also work.
  • docker is required - version 17.06.x is tested; earlier versions may also work.


Dependencies are handled using go modules.

Updating dependencies

go mod download

To add or update a specific dependency version, follow the go modules instructions for Daily Workflow

Running the tests

Using a local environment

The acceptance tests require a running Concourse configured with basic auth to test against.

Run the tests with the following command (optionally also setting INSECURE=true):

FLY_LOCATION=path/to/fly \
USERNAME=my-basic-auth-user \
PASSWORD=my-basic-auth-password \

Using a Dockerfile

Note: the Dockerfile tests do not run the acceptance tests, but ensure a consistent environment across any docker enabled platform. When the docker image builds, the tests run inside the docker container, and on failure they will stop the build.

The tests need to be ran from one directory up from the directory of the repo. They will also need the fly linux tarball (from to be present in the fly/ folder e.g:

├── fly/
│   └── fly-5.0.0-linux-amd64.tgz
└── concourse-pipeline-resource/
    ├── .git/
    │    └── ... 
    ├── dockerfiles/
    │    ├── alpine/
    │    │    └── Dockerfile
    │    └── ubuntu/
    │         └── Dockerfile
    └── ...

Run the tests with the following commands for both alpine and ubuntu images:

docker build -t concourse-pipeline-resource -f concourse-pipeline-resource/dockerfiles/alpine/Dockerfile .
docker build -t concourse-pipeline-resource -f concourse-pipeline-resource/dockerfiles/ubuntu/Dockerfile .


Please ensure the tests pass locally.