CI | Host OS | Build Status |
CircleCi | Debian 9 |
moros is a modern HTTP benchmark tool capable of generating significant load even when using single thread.
An optional plugin(using shared library
) can perform HTTP request generating, response processing and more on.
moros http://localhost/
This runs a benchmark with the following default setting:
threads: 1
connections: 10
duration: 10s
timeout: 2s
Running 10s test @ http://localhost/
1 thread(s) and 10 connection(s) each
Thread Stats Avg Stdev Max +/- Stdev
Latency 0ms 0ms 5ms 99.9979%
Req/Sec 46.53K 3.23K 51.17K 61%
473743 requests in 10s, 3.72GB read
Requests/sec: 47374.3
Transfer/sec: 380.56MB
-p, --plugin: Load plugin
-H, --Header: HTTP header
-t, --threads: The number of HTTP benchers
-c, --connections: The number of HTTP connections per bencher
-d, --duration: Duration of the benchmark
-T, --timeout: Mark HTTP request timeouted if HTTP response is not
received within this amount of time
-l, --latency: Print latency distribution
Make sure file descriptors is enough. Use ulimit -n unlimited
to handle this.
Arch Linux
yay -S moros-git
The other can build from source.
depends onboost.program_options
Install these 2 packages first.
git clone
cd moros
git submodule update --init --recursive # nodejs/http-parser
cmake -H. -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build build
binary will be placed in moros/bin/
setup begins before the target address has been resolved and all benchers uninitialized.
init begins after each bencher initialized.
request(schema, host, port, serivce, query_string, headers[])
request generates a new HTTP request each time, which is expensive.
Generating lots of HTTP requests one time and amortizing the cost is a good solution.
response(status, headers[], body, body_len)
response is called with HTTP response status, headers[], body.
In default, only status is valid.
symbolsvisible in plugin to process headers and body.
summary can report some data collected in above functions.
- follow 302
- async dns resolve