Conexperto, aims to be a social network to learn and grow. We believe that people learn best from other people, it was like that for a long time and this is how we actually learn from our environment.
This repository houses the code for all operation of the Backend in Conexperto.
In order to run this container you'll need docker installed.
Clone the repository and move to the project directory.
git clone
Run build container.
docker-compose build
Run start container api.
docker-compose up api
Initialize migration of database.
docker-compose exec api db upgrade
if alterations are made in the api src/models
, an update is necessary run this script.
docker-compose exec api db migrate
then visit http://localhost:5000/api/v1/
docker-compose exec api seed <seed> <up|down>
docker-compose exec api seed user up
See folder src/seeds
for more options.
docker-compose run --rm test bash
For start container test.
Inside container.
pytest .
For exec all testing.
In file docker/api/api.conf
be all variables environment to api.
- Set port for flask app.FLASK_ENV
- Set env, 'production' or 'development'.FLASK_DEBUG
- Set debug, enabled flask debug.TESTING
- Set testing, enabled flask testing.DATABASE_URL
- Set URL for connected to database.FIREBASE_ADMIN_SDK_FILE
- Set path for sdk credentials admin.FIREBASE_WEB_SDK_FILE
- Set path for sdk credentials web.FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_ADMIN_HOST
- Set host for emulator firebase admin.FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_WEB_HOST
- Set host for emulator firebase web.
In file docker/db/db.conf
be all variables envionment to db.
- Set name database separate by command(,).POSTGRES_PORT
- Set port, default5432
- Set user, defaultowner
- Set password, defaullttoken.01
In file docker/test/test.conf
be all variables environment to test.
- Set port for flask app.FLASK_ENV
- Set env, 'production' or 'development'.FLASK_DEBUG
- Set debug, enabled flask debug.TESTING
- Set testing, enabled flask testing.DATABASE_URL
- Set URL for connected to database.FIREBASE_ADMIN_SDK_FILE
- Set path for sdk credentials admin.FIREBASE_WEB_SDK_FILE
- Set path for sdk credentials web.FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_ADMIN_HOST
- Set host for emulator firebase admin.FIREBASE_AUTH_EMULATOR_WEB_HOST
- Set host for emulator firebase web.FIREBASE_API_KEY_ADMIN
- Set api key for authentication testing admin.FIREBASE_API_KEY_WEB
- Set api key for authentication testing web.
├── docker/ # resource for docker-compose
| ├── api/ # container api
| | ├── Dockerfile # Contains all the comands for make image of container api.
| | └── api.conf # environment variables for this container.
| ├── db/ # container db
| | ├── pg-init-scripts/
| | | └── # script for handle multiple database
| | └── db.conf # environment variables for this container.
| ├── image/ # container migrate
| | ├── Dockerfile # Contains all the comands for make image.
| | └── # entrypoint.
| ├── test/ # container test
| | ├── Dockerfile # instruction for docker.
| | └── api.conf # environment variables for this container.
├── src/ # Source files.
| ├── blueprints/ # Blueprints for flask (routes).
| ├── config/ # Contains credentials for firebase.
| ├── helpers/ # Helpers for integrate to flask.
| ├── middlewares/ # Middlewares as decorators.
| ├── mixins/ # Mixins for integrate to sqlalchemy.
| ├── models/ # Model for sqlalchemy.
| ├── seed/ # Seeds
| ├── # Entrypoint for api.
| ├── # DB instance.
| ├── # Firebase initialize app for admin and web.
| └── # Manage commandline seed.
├── requirements.txt
├── # Entrypoint for WSGI.
├── docker-compose.yml # Configuration that is applied to each container started for that service.
├── Dockerfile # Contains all the commands for image of container api production.
├── # Readme of a lifetime.
└── heroku.yml # Config for deploy on heroku.
- Discuss Conexperto Server on Github Discussions
To contribute, please review the issues in the projects section projects
In order to maintain consistency and readability of commit messages, this convention is used ConventionalCommits
And with the help of the following hooks we can imply these conventions to the workflow.
pip install gitlint
gitlint install-hook
To maintain a stable & quality code, the following hooks have been used with pre-commit.
- flake8
- black
- reorder_python_imports
- pre-commit-hooks (see file .pre-commit-config.yaml)
To install the pre-commit and use your hook configuration.
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install