Releases: confluentinc/confluent-sigma
Confluent Sigma 1.3.0
Relaese notes for 1.3.0
Rule based output topics
Prior to this feature all records that matched any rule for a configured sigma stream processor would be sent to the
same output topic. With this feature we extended the SIGMA specification and added syntax to the sigma rule that allows
you to specify the output topic for any records that match the specific rule. If no output topic is provided then the
output topic configured for the stream processor will be used. And example rules that includes this is
All new extensions specific to kafka, including this rule output topic, will be in a kafka section. An example of the
section would be
outputTopic: firewalls
Regex value capture and emission
While previous versions of SigmaStreams correctly match regex patterns RE|
in sigma rules this version enables one
to take matching values and then extract them into an output field. For the following field
title: Regex Test Rule
description: This rule is the regex rule test
author: Mike Peacock
product: splunk
service: cisco:asa
sourcetype: cisco:asa
event|re: '^(?<timestamp>\w{3}\s\d{2}\s\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s(?<hostname>[^\s]+)\s\%ASA-\d-(?<messageID>[^:]+):\s(?<action>[^\s]+)\s(?<protocol>[^\s]+)\ssrc\sinside:(?<src>[0-9\.]+)\/(?<srcport>[0-9]+)\sdst\soutside:(?<dest>[0-9\.]+)\/(?<destport>[0-9]+)'
condition: filter_field AND event_match
outputTopic: firewalls
location: edge
sourcetype: cisco:asa
index: main
timestamp, hostname, messageID, etc will be matched by the regular expression and that matching values will be extracted
into those as new output fields in the resulting record. This is extremely useful if you want to use sigma rules to
extract structured output from unstructured or semi-structured input.
Rule based static field addition
In the kafka section you now have the ability to provide list of custom fields and static values to insert for those
fields. These will be added in the root of the matching output records. This can enable metadata for use by down
stream processors or event tools like a SOAR. With this the rules can not only service to find detections but to provide
directions on what to do with them.
location: edge
sourcetype: cisco:asa
index: main
SigmaStream registration and tracking
Running SigmaStream applications now register themselves in Kafka along with metadata about its state. This information
is viewable from the SigmaStreams UI. This data goes into the topic sigma-app-instances
. A sample of this data can
seen here:
"applicationId": "confluent-streams-benchmark-4-20230621031743",
"kafkaStreamsState": "NOT_RUNNING",
"numRules": 100,
"sampleTimestamp": 1687319749050,
"sampleTimestampHr": "2023-06-21 03:55:49",
"threadMetadata": [],
"appHostName": "xxxxx.ec2.internal",
"appProperties": {
"": 1000,
"bootstrap.servers": "",
"data.topic": "confluent-benchmark-1",
"output.topic": "dns-detection",
"sigma.rules.topic": "sigma-rules",
"default.value.serde": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes$StringSerde",
"sigma.rule.filter.service": "dns",
"field.mapping.file": "config/zeek-mapping.yml",
"default.key.serde": "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.Serdes$StringSerde",
"sigma.rule.filter.product": "zeek",
"": "50",
"auto.offset.reset": "earliest",
"": "confluent-streams-benchmark-4-20230621031743"
"applicationInstanceId": "confluent-streams-benchmark-4-20230621031743b4cf5a26-4e0a-4d95-b1a3-3c51e4a6e735",
"key": "confluent-streams-benchmark-4-20230621031743b4cf5a26-4e0a-4d95-b1a3-3c51e4a6e735"
Stop after first match
In some scenarios you may potentially have thousands of sigma rules used to route data. In this case you may not care
how many runes or which ones match but instead that any of them match. To support this we have added the ability to
stop matching rules after the first matching sigma rule. To turn this on use sigma.rule.first.match=true
in the
Confluent Sigma UI redone
The user interface provided by the sigma-streams-ui module has been completely re-done. It should still be considered
a tool for developing and testing but its is great improved from the previous demo oriented one. it would take forever
to go through the improvements so its better to just see it yourself. Nuff said!
Remove null values
In earlier versions serialization of matches or sigma rules that had no value for an existing field would assign
a string value of null
. In this version there are no null
fields but they are instead absent from the serialized
Matched metric
SigmaStreams now tracks how many records has matched its rules.
Confluent Sigma v1.2.1
What's Changed
- Sigma UI security by @michaelpeacock in #20
- Wlaforest usability 1 by @wlaforest in #21
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.2.1
Confluent Sigma v1.2.0
v1.2.0 Release Notes
Following are enhancements with the 1.2.0 release of Confluent Sigma. Thanks @michaelpeacock @0x4b6169 and @wlaforest
JSON traversal with field mappings
Contributed by Kai Herrera @0x4b6169
Previously field mappings were only flat. So the token in the sigma field mapping could only correspond to a top level JSON field. Any dot notation would be taken as part of the corresponding field in the source stream data so for instance
dst_ip: id.resp_h
dst_port: id.resp_p
network_protocol: proto
src_ip: id.orig_h
src_port: id.orig_p
would work for a source event of
but NOT for
"id": {
In order to references nested fields one can now use a JSON Path notation for JSON data. The field mapping would now become
dst_ip: $.id.resp_h
dst_port: $.id.resp_p
network_protocol: proto
src_ip: $.id.orig_h
src_port: $.id.orig_p
The current requirements is that the mapped field must start at the root and thus $ will always start the mapped value.
Support client callback handler for IAM auth
The Confluent Sigma project only supported SASL/SCRAM authentication and did not allow for someone to pass in a sasl.client.callback.handler.class
. This meant, for instance, one could not setup authentication with AWS MSK.
One can now pass this in. Here is an example set of properties that can be included in the sigma properties
security.protocol=SASL_SSL required;
Added support for all
Sigma rules have the concept of the all
transformation. This changes how to interpret the value match tokes from an implicit or
to an and
. This was not yet supported but was requested by a user
The all
transformation syntax is sigma is now supported.
Various bug fixes, performance improvements, and patches in response to CVEs in dependent libraries.