A ntc-chat server that uses NodeJs as web server (Express+SocketIO), Redis as a storage, RabbitMQ as message queue and a Socket.IO that uses web sockets for a real time chat experience.
Install NodeJs from http://nodejs.org/
Install Redis from https://redis.io/
Install RabbitMQ from https://www.rabbitmq.com/
Library SocketIO https://socket.io/
# nodejs
sudo apt-get update
## nodejs default
sudo apt-get install nodejs
## nodejs 7.x
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_7.x | sudo -E bash -
## nodejs 8.x
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_8.x | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs build-essential
## check
node -v
# npm
sudo apt-get install npm
npm --version
# nvm
cd ~
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.31.0/install.sh -o install_nvm.sh
bash install_nvm.sh
source ~/.profile
## check
nvm ls-remote
nvm help
nvm install 7.10.1
nvm alias default 7.10.1
nvm use 7.10.1
nvm install 8.9.4
nvm alias default 8.9.4
nvm use 8.9.4
sudo npm install pm2 -g
cd redis-3.2.9
src/redis-server redis.conf
nohup src/redis-server redis.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &
View and modify file configuration in folder ./config/config.js
cd ntc-chat
npm install
# Start app. NODE_ENV = development || testing || staging || production || local
export NODE_ENV=development
node app.js
node app.js --port 3000
or start node project by PM2.
# list project nodejs.
pm2 list
# Start app. NODE_ENV = development || testing || staging || production || local
export NODE_ENV=development
pm2 start app.js --name ntc-chat
pm2 start app.js --port 3000 --name ntc-chat
# view logs
pm2 logs
# restart
pm2 restart <pid>
# stop
pm2 stop <pid>
# remove app.
pm2 delete <pid>
Open two browser windows one at localhost:3000
Start chatting.
// Constant Socket Private.
const SK_ERROR = 'SK_Error';
const SK_CONNECT = 'SK_Connect';
const SK_DISCONNECT = 'SK_Disconnect';
const SK_JOIN_ROOM = 'SK_JoinRoom';
const SK_LEAVE_ROOM = 'SK_LeaveRoom';
const SK_HISTORY_MSG = 'SK_HistoryMsg';
const SK_LAST_MSG = 'SK_LastMsg'
const SK_SEARCH_USER = 'SK_SearchUser';
const SK_TRACK_ROOM_MSG_LAST_READ = 'SK_TrackRoomMsgLastRead';
const SK_UNREAD_MSG = 'SK_UnreadMsg';
// Constant Socket Public.
const SK_MESSAGE = 'SK_Message';
// Constant Message.
const MSG_ERROR = 'MSG_Error';
const MSG_CONNECT = 'MSG_Connect';
const MSG_DISCONNECT = 'MSG_Disconnect';
const MSG_IN_ROOM = 'MSG_InRoom';
const MSG_OUT_ROOM = 'MSG_OutRoom';
const MSG_CHAT = 'MSG_Chat';
// Constant Status Message.
const MSG_STATUS_SEND = 'send';
const MSG_STATUS_SEEN = 'seen';
// Constant FCM.
const FCM_INFO = 'FCM_Info';
const FCM_NTF = 'FCM_Ntf';
const FCM_HISTORY_NTF = 'FCM_HistoryNtf';
const FCM_TRACK_NTF_LAST_READ = 'FCM_TrackNtfLastRead';
const FCM_UNREAD_NTF = 'FCM_UnreadNtf';
var url = 'ntc-chat.example.com';
var chatService = io(url, { query: 'token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0eXBlX2F1dGgiOiJ1cCIsImV4cCI6MTUwMjE2NDYwNCwidXNlcm5hbWUiOiJuZ2hpYTJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwidWlkIjoyLCJ0aW1lc3RhbXAiOjE1MDE1NTk4MDQ2MDgsInVzZXJfaWQiOjIsInR5cGVfdXNlciI6ImNhbmRpZGF0ZSIsIm5hbWUiOiJuZ2hpYSB0cmFuIiwiZW1haWwiOiJuZ2hpYTJAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiYXZ0IjoiIn0.j_mITV8Aqa5HD2hOuMzPlEbJxU-mViETsIv555qDmYo' });
chatService.on(SK_CONNECT, function(res) {
// response data
type_sk: 'SK_Connect',
user: {
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
content: 'Connected'
chatService.on(SK_ERROR, function(res) {
// response data
type_sk: 'SK_Error',
content: 'Token invalid.'
var f_user = {};
f_user.id = 2;
f_user.email = "nghia2@gmail.com";
f_user.name = "nghia tran";
f_user.type_user = "candidate";
f_user.avt = "";
var t_user = {};
t_user.id = 3;
t_user.email = "user3@gmail.com";
t_user.name = "user 3";
t_user.type_user = "candidate";
t_user.avt = "";
var message = { from_user: f_user, to_user: t_user };
chatService.emit(SK_JOIN_ROOM, message);
chatService.on(SK_JOIN_ROOM, function(res) {
// response data
type_sk: 'SK_JoinRoom',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room: { id: 6, name: 'room_6' },
content: '[nghia tran] join room.'
// NOTE: Remember save info room_id to usage.
// sendChatMessage
var message = {
type_sk: SK_MESSAGE,
type_msg: MSG_CHAT,
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: currentRoom,
content: "This is content message chat."
chatService.emit(SK_MESSAGE, message);
chatService.on(SK_MESSAGE, function(res) {
// response data
type_sk: 'SK_Message',
type_msg: 'MSG_Chat',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: 6,
content: 'This is content message chat.',
created: 1501746695024,
updated: 1501746695025,
from_user: {
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: '' },
to_user: {
id: 3,
email: 'user3@gmail.com',
name: 'user 3',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
status: 'send',
id: 49
var message = {
type_sk: SK_LEAVE_ROOM,
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: currentRoom,
content: 'leave room.'
chatService.emit(SK_LEAVE_ROOM, message);
chatService.on(SK_LEAVE_ROOM, function(res) {
currentRoom = 0;
// response data
// Send message disconnect.
var message = {
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: currentRoom,
content: 'disconnect'
chatService.emit(SK_DISCONNECT, message);
// Disconnects the socket manually.
chatService.on(SK_DISCONNECT, function(res) {
// response data.
// send message get List Message.
var message = { page: 1 };
chatService.emit(SK_LAST_MSG, message);
chatService.on(SK_LAST_MSG, function(res) {
// response data.
user_id: 2,
total_page: 1,
page: 1,
type_sk: 'SK_Message',
type_msg: 'MSG_Chat',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: 6,
content: 'eeee',
created: 1501856450568,
updated: 1501856450568,
status: 'send',
id: 80,
from_user: {
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: '' },
to_user: {
id: 3,
email: 'user3@gmail.com',
name: 'user 3',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
isOnline: false
type_sk: 'SK_LastMsg'
// send message get History Message.
var message = { page: 1, to_user_id: 3 };
chatService.emit(SK_HISTORY_MSG, message);
chatService.on(SK_HISTORY_MSG, function(res) {
// response data.
page: 1,
to_user_id: 3,
type_sk: 'SK_HistoryMsg',
from_user_id: 2,
room_id: '6',
total_page: 5,
type_sk: 'SK_Message',
type_msg: 'MSG_Chat',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: 6,
content: 'kkk',
created: 1501754645428,
updated: 1501754645428,
status: 'send',
id: 50,
from_user: {
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: '' },
to_user: {
id: 3,
email: 'user3@gmail.com',
name: 'user 3',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
type_sk: 'SK_Message',
type_msg: 'MSG_Chat',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: 6,
content: 'eeeeeeeeee',
created: 1501841857171,
updated: 1501841857171,
status: 'send',
id: 72,
from_user: {
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: '' },
to_user: {
id: 3,
email: 'user3@gmail.com',
name: 'user 3',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
type_sk: 'SK_Message',
type_msg: 'MSG_Chat',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: 6,
content: 'eeeeeeeeeeee',
created: 1501842699583,
updated: 1501842699583,
status: 'send',
id: 73,
from_user: {
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: '' },
to_user: {
id: 3,
email: 'user3@gmail.com',
name: 'user 3',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
// send message Search Message.
var message = { name: "user" };
chatService.emit(SK_SEARCH_USER, message);
chatService.on(SK_SEARCH_USER, function(res) {
// response data.
name: 'user',
type_sk: 'SK_SearchUser',
user_id: 2,
type_sk: 'SK_Message',
type_msg: 'MSG_Chat',
from_user_id: 2,
to_user_id: 3,
room_id: 6,
content: 'eeee',
created: 1501856450568,
updated: 1501856450568,
status: 'send',
id: 80,
id: 2,
email: 'nghia2@gmail.com',
name: 'nghia tran',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
id: 3,
email: 'user3@gmail.com',
name: 'User 3',
type_user: 'candidate',
avt: ''
isOnline: false
// send data Tracking Last Message Read.
var message = {
user_id: 65,
room_id: 9,
msg_id: 1
chatService.emit(SK_TRACK_ROOM_MSG_LAST_READ, message);
chatService.on(SK_TRACK_ROOM_MSG_LAST_READ, function(res) {
// response data.
user_id: 65,
room_id: 9,
msg_id: 1,
type_sk: 'SK_TrackRoomMsgLastRead',
err: 0,
msg: 'Save tracking room message last read success.'
// send data Tracking Last Message Read.
var message = { user_id: 65 };
chatService.emit(SK_UNREAD_MSG, message);
chatService.on(SK_UNREAD_MSG, function(res) {
// response data.
user_id: 65,
type_sk: 'SK_UnreadMsg',
total_unread: 11,
map_room_msg_unread: {
'9': {
room_id: 9,
msgid_last_read: 1,
total_room_unread: 11
// send message FCM infomation.
var message = {
user_id: 1,
fcm_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
devide_id: "123456789", // imei or uuid.
os: "iOS",
model: "iPhone 7 plus",
app_type: "ntc",
chatService.emit(FCM_INFO, message);
chatService.on(FCM_INFO, function(res) {
// response data.
type_sk: "FCM_Info",
err: 0,
msg: "Save FCM infomation success.",
user_id: 1,
fcm_token: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
devide_id: "123456789", // imei or uuid.
os: "iOS",
model: "iPhone 7 plus",
app_type: "ntc",
// send message FCM Notify.
var message = {
from_user_id: 1,
to_user_id: 2,
notification: {
title: "New chat message!",
body: "There is a new message in ntc-chat",
icon: "/images/profile_placeholder.png",
click_action: "http://localhost:5000"
chatService.emit(FCM_NTF, message);
chatService.on(FCM_NTF, function(res) {
// response data.
type_sk: "FCM_Ntf"
from_user_id: 1,
to_user_id: 2,
notification: {
title: "New chat message!",
body: "There is a new message in ntc-chat",
icon: "/images/profile_placeholder.png",
click_action: "http://localhost:5000"
create: 1502351135283,
update: 1502351135283,
status: 'active',
id: 4
// send message get History Message.
var message = { page: 1 };
chatService.emit(FCM_HISTORY_NTF, message);
chatService.on(FCM_HISTORY_NTF, function(res) {
// response data.
page: 1,
type_sk: 'FCM_HistoryNtf',
user_id: 65,
total_page: 1,
list_ntf: [
from_user_id: 65,
to_user_id: 65,
notification: {
title: "Save FCM info",
body: "Save FCM infomation successfully.",
icon: "/images/profile_placeholder.png",
click_action: "http://localhost:5000"
create: 1502351135283,
update: 1502351135283,
status: 'active',
id: 4
from_user_id: 65,
to_user_id: 65,
notification: {
title: "Save FCM info",
body: "Save FCM infomation successfully.",
icon: "/images/profile_placeholder.png",
click_action: "http://localhost:5000"
create: 1502351148009,
update: 1502351148009,
status: 'active',
id: 5
from_user_id: 65,
to_user_id: 65,
notification: {
title: "Save FCM info",
body: "Save FCM infomation successfully.",
icon: "/images/profile_placeholder.png",
click_action: "http://localhost:5000"
create: 1502351174782,
update: 1502351174782,
status: 'active',
id: 6
// send data Tracking Notify Last Read.
var message = { ntf_id: 1 };
chatService.emit(FCM_TRACK_NTF_LAST_READ, message);
chatService.on(FCM_TRACK_NTF_LAST_READ, function(res) {
// response data.
ntf_id: 1,
user_id: 65,
type_sk: 'FCM_TrackNtfLastRead',
err: 0,
msg: 'Save tracking notify last read success.'
// send data Get Notify UnRead.
var message = { user_id: 65 };
chatService.emit(FCM_UNREAD_NTF, message);
chatService.on(FCM_UNREAD_NTF, function(res) {
// response data.
user_id: 65,
type_sk: 'FCM_UnreadNtf',
total: 15,
ntfid_last_read: '1'