Program: Udacity Full Stack Web Developer Nanodegree Project 2: Portfolio Website Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JS Frameworks: Gulp, Bootstrap, jQuery, NPM
This project was tested on Google Chrome and emulator (Desktop, Nexus 5, Apple iPad). It is guaranteed to be responsive on these frame sizes.
Libraries included in this project are:
- Bootstrap: (
- jQuery: (
- Gulp: (
- Sass: (
- ESLint: (
Gulp modules include:
- gulp-sass
- gulp-autoprefixer
- browser-sync
- gulp-eslint
- gulp-concat
- gulp-uglify
- gulp-sourcemaps
- gulp-imagemin
- imagemin-pngquant
You can find the production distribution version under the dist
You can also serve the whole project by running gulp
from ./
but only if you have downloaded the whole project folder and have eslint, gulp, and sass downloaded globably.