Cat is an API wrapper that allows you to easily generate pictures of cats (Powered by TheCatAPI).
If you would like to integrate cat
into your project, you have to import it.
import Cat from "";
After you import the file, you can call functions like this:
getBreeds(); // [ ]
getCat(); // <string>
* Cat.getBreeds() returns an Array of cat breeds that
* you can pass as arguments for `getCat()`
* Cat.getCat() returns a String if you provide valid information.
* Takes in a singular Object as an argument, the layout is as follows:
* breed -> String
* limit -> Number
* page -> Number
* Order -> String (rand/desc/asc)
* Example: { breed: "beng", limit: 10, page: 0, order: "desc" }
Cat.getCat({ breed: <breed>, limit: <limit>, page: <page>, order: <order> });